Page 9 of Donut Tease Me
“Come on, Bobby! Kiss the girl already!”
“We want the action shot, Bobby!”
“Don’t make her cry, man!”
I didn’t know that when the paparazzi invaded your private moments, they also felt the need to yell out instructions so they could make the most cash from said invasion.
I lace my fingers with Stephanie’s and drag her toward the front door. I push it open and shove her inside and away from prying eyes and zoom lenses. “Hey, Tia!”
Tia walks into the front hall, hands on her hips. “Yeah?” She narrows her eyes at Stephanie before pinning me to the spot with a glare that comes laced with a death wish. She doesn’t look happy. In fact, she looks less happy now than she did when I told her I wasn’t up for her brand of fun last night. I guess she knows why, and she doesn’t really appreciate it.
I can’t blame her. But I can throw her a bone.
“The place is crawling with photographers. Throw on some shorts and give them something to sell.”
A slow smile spreads across her pink lips. She flips her hair and tears past us, taking the stairs two at a time in the direction of her room. “Thanks, B!”
Stephanie furrows her brow. “They might be a little confused about why she’s alone and why you’re in here…with me.”
I shrug. “I’m sure she’ll clear it up for them.”
“But don’t they expect…?”
Her voice trails off, the question dying on her lips. I haven’t given her what she wants…at least, what she claims she wants. But the verdict is still out on that, even though she came back to me. I’m not ready to give in just yet. I need to know that she’s sure about her feelings, and about us. But damn, there are certain parts of my body that hate me for digging in my heels. “Expect what?”
“Well, you know.” She shuffles her feet and twists a strand of dark blonde hair around her finger. “Since you guys are supposedly, you know, together, they might expect you to be with her.”
“Is that what you think? Is that why you came? Because you thought another woman wanted me…wanted what you didn’t?”
Her mouth falls open, her blue eyes popping open wide. I’ve caught her. Now I just need to reel her in. She thinks I’m over her, that I’ve forgotten everything, thanks to the tabloids. The reality is I came out here for a reason - one reason only - and she’ll find out soon enough.
“I-I…” She’s flustered, wringing her hands. Spots of bright red color her cheeks. My cock is about ready to bust through these jeans because all I want to do is tear off her clothes and dive into her the way I’ve fantasized about for the past eight years. It had never been our time, and truth be told, I’m not sure it ever will be. She still hasn’t convinced me, although my heart clings to the one thread of hope that can sew it back together.
But I don’t know how much longer my body can hold out. I drum my fingertips against my legs to keep them from grazing the sides of her arms. Her t-shirt is snug, stretched tightly across her breasts, and that ass…God, I dream about it every night, along with the things I want to do to it…
I grit my teeth. She still can’t answer. Say it, dammit! Tell me what I need to hear! “I think you should go.”
She lets out a gasp. “What? Why?”
“You still don’t have the answer, Steph. I can’t handle being with someone who will always question her choice. I want to be with someone who knows what she wants and takes it.”
Stephanie’s back stiffens. “You mean like Tia.”
“Tia definitely knows what she wants.” I nod, turning away because staring at her tear-streaked face is making me question my choice.
“But you don’t want her, do you?” She grabs my wrist and pulls me back. “Tell me, Bobby. Is that the truth?”
“Would it matter?” I twist my body to face her and back her against the wall. The sweet lemony scent of her hair consumes me and for a second, I forget all about my plan. But only for a second.
Her lips part and…nothing. The warmth of her breath fans against my stubbled chin, but still she remains silent. I bring my hand to the back of her neck, stroking the soft skin, weaving my fingers through her soft waves. I’m close enough to feel her racing heart beat in time with mine. The last time I was this close to her…
Fuck, I don’t want to think about that. She didn’t belong to me then.
Not the way I belonged to her; the way I will always belong to her.
I drag my fingertip down the column of her neck, her pulse throbbing against it. A mere inch separates us physically, but in the depths of my soul? She and I are perfectly entwined and forever connected. Every time I let her go, she still remained with me.