Page 59 of Beauty
Sweat drops trickle down my forehead. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Yes, you can,” he says, eyeing me from the side. “I believe in you.”
His words bring me a little bit of courage, but when I sit down behind him and actually point the knife at his back, I get cold feet.
“What if I mess up?” I say. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Hey,” he says with a low voice. “You can do this. I trust you.”
I touch his hot skin, sweat drops trickling down my face as I put the knife at the edge of the device. I can feel it move underneath his skin.
“Don’t hesitate. I can take it,” he says.
And I puncture his skin.
The blood runs out immediately, covering his back, but he seems unfazed, so I cut farther, deeper into his skin. It feels odd, like cutting into Jell-O, and the warm blood covering the blade makes me even more nauseous than before.
He hisses as I slice farther, making an opening. “I’m sorry,” I mutter.
“Don’t. Just take it out,” he says through gritted teeth.
I carve it out farther until I finally see the chip. “There.”
I put the knife aside and lean in with my nails, tugging at one of the edges until it dislodges from his body. He groans as I pull out and chuck it onto the floor.
“Oh my God …” I mutter, staring at the device.
Beast stands up and crushes it underneath his foot, rage almost boiling his skin. “Never again.”
I just stare at him with bloodied fingers and a stomach ready to flip over.
God, I can’t believe I just did that.
I actually cut something out of his flesh.
I run to the bathroom to clean my hands and wash away the blood. When I return, his back is still covered in blood, so I quickly fetch the first-aid kit from the shelves again. After grabbing a few sterile tissues and some alcohol to pat down the wound, I tape it all up neatly and clean up his back too.
He just stands there, silently letting me do my thing.
He turns to face me. “Thank you.” He puts so much emphasis on the words that I don’t even know how to respond. It’s as though he wants to instill me with his gratitude.
I breathe out a sigh of relief and clean the knife, then put it back where it belongs.
With my hands leaning on the counter, I close my eyes and take another deep breath.
That was heavy.
Suddenly, his hands wrap around my waist, and he plants a sweet but sultry kiss on my shoulder. “I would be nothing without you.”
It’s hard to swallow but even harder to breathe.
“You … you’re a living, walking god. And I’m just tiny little me.”
He snorts. “Tiny … I like that new nickname.”
I smile and shake my head. “No.”