Page 52 of A Moment Too Late
“We need to talk. In private. My house. Twenty minutes.” Spencer’s words are clipped, his tone even more serious than the one he took with me earlier. Anger is vibrating off his body in waves as Mia slides up next to him, taking his hand and pulling him away.
Summer’s still staring after him in shock when Jay places his hand on her shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”
“What did I just do?” she asks, tears welling in her eyes.
“You gave away the element of surprise, but that doesn’t mean we won’t still be able to catch him.” Jay’s voice softens as he pulls Summer to his chest, holding her close as she sobs.
We stand like that far longer than I’m comfortable. Jay’s eyes are focused on me as he holds Summer. I’m staring back at him, sending up a silent prayer that things aren’t about to fall apart. That I didn’t just spend the last two days working my ass off for things to blow up in my face tomorrow.
There are still people lingering around, watching us with interest, when Jay finally releases Summer, stepping up next to me and whispering in my ear, “If he was here, he knows we’re looking for him. Did you recognize anyone?”
Everyone. I recognized almost everyone. Most of the crowd were local business owners, members of the community. People I had interacted with while I lived her. Served drinks to at Riley’s.
“We need to get to Spencer’s and work damage control,” is all I say before I walk off the stage and head across the park to where I know a very angry Spencer will be pacing his apartment, waiting on us to arrive.
As if predicting the future, I find Mia in her kitchen, pouring shots, while Spencer walks the length of their living room, hands fisted at his side, cursing under his breath. His anger is palpable, his footsteps causing the floor to vibrate.
“It could be worse,” I state, flopping down on their couch, but he doesn’t stop his travels.
“Well, for starters, she could have said we were looking for someone local. Though, I did hint at that the other night, so if he was at the lantern release, he might already know that. Or that I was creating a profile. No one knows what I do for a living. Hell, they may think we’re just nosing around because we loved Sam.”
“I’m a police officer, Andrea.” The use of my full name catches my attention, and when I look over the back of the couch, I find Spencer standing, arms crossed over his chest, shooting daggers in my direction. “She mentioned my name. Whoever he is, he’s been silent the last five years. I’ve run every angle. I never talk about it though. No one does. If he was there and he heard what Summer said—”
“Don’t blame Summer,” Jay interrupts. “She didn’t know the microphone was on. She wasn’t trying to give him an unfair advantage.”
“I’m sorry.” Summer’s voice is small as she bows her head from her place next to Mia at the island.
“I’m not mad at you,” Spencer starts, taking a step in her direction, but stops when Mia shakes her head once in warning. “I’m pissed because this asshole knows we’re looking for him again and we’re close to figuring out who he is. The last thing I want is for him to get away with it.”
“He won’t,” I assure Spence, pushing off the couch and moving to stand in front of him. “I’m finishing the profile tonight and delivering it tomorrow. Someone is bound to recognize who it is. Someone will know, and then we’ll have him. He can try and run but he won’t. He’s too conceited. He thinks because he’s gotten away with it this long, he’ll never get caught. Besides, running will only make him look guilty.”
“Are you sure?” he questions, his eyes penetrating mine with such an intense stare I step back.
“Trust me. I know what I’m doing. I’m damn good at my job and I don’t plan to give up until he’s caught. If that means I’m staying here until that happens, so be it.” Mimicking his stance, I cross my arms over my chest and glare at Spencer.
“Is that supposed to be a threat?” Mia asks. Glancing over my shoulder to where she now has one arm wrapped around Summer and the other is holding an empty shot glass, she smirks at me.
“Not a threat, a promise. I don’t plan on leaving until we have answers. I can’t run away again.”
Her eyes flick to Spencer’s briefly before returning to mine, her smile growing.
“You don’t have to sacrifice your life, Andi,” Summer whispers, but I don’t take my eyes off Mia.
“It’s not a sacrifice. I want to help. I need to help. None of us will truly have closure until the person responsible is caught. There are people in this town who can’t even look out their windows without being reminded of what happened. People who can’t sleep at night knowing he’s still out there.” I pause and suck in a deep breath to ensure I don’t lose my composure. “I’m sick of dreaming about that night. Of feeling guilty for missing my flight. Of blaming myself because there’s no one else to blame. This wasn’t my fault. Or anyone else’s. There’s one person responsible for what happened that night and they need to be held accountable so the rest of us can feel like we’re able to breathe again.”
The room falls silent at my admission.
I’ve been suffering in silence. Alone, for five long years, and I’m done pretending nothing happened. That I don’t feel partially to blame even though I’m not the one who took her life.
“If you’re to blame, so am I,” Spencer says, pulling my attention away from Mia as she pours herself another shot.
“How so?”
“I could have drove her home that night. We were back in town but didn’t tell anyone. We wanted one last night for just the two of us,” he explains, averting his eyes to the wood floor beneath his feet. “I was selfish. I knew she’d have to walk, and even though it was nice that night, didn’t offer to pick her up. A good friend would have at least offered.”
“A good boyfriend would have been there, so you didn’t have to,” Jay chimes in as he approaches Spence, placing his hand on his shoulder.