Page 26 of Dirty Little Secret
ME: No plans tonight. What time?
MAX: Come on over whenever you want. Finn’s in the shower, and then I think he’s going to start cooking. If you’re here maybe you can help him, so I don’t have to.
Vivid images of Finn with water glistening off his bare chest, damn hair, and wearing only an apron cloud my vision. It’s a sight I can’t unsee. Hell yes, I’ll help him in the kitchen!
ME: Doesn’t Julian want to be a chef? Can’t you rope him into helping?
There, I don’t sound so eager to help.
MAX: Julian has something going on with baseball. Won’t be here until later. Why do you think we’re letting Finn cook instead of him?
ME: Fine. I’ll help cook, but that means you have to entertain everyone else. Including Kendall. And you have to be nice to her.
MAX: Deal. See you soon.
Kendall walks in the living room just as I set my phone aside. Looking from me to the open bag of fun-sized candy bars, she lifts her eyebrow in question.
“I only ate a few,” I say defensively as I start to clean up the wrappers that are scattered all over the coffee table.
“Sure. Is that why the bag is almost empty?”
My addiction to all things chocolate, but mostly Twix bars, is not a secret. Once I open the bag, I lose all self-control.
“Max invited us over for dinner,” I state, avoiding her rhetorical question.
“Max invitedusover. Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Avoiding her curious gaze, I head into my room, stopping to drop my wrappers in the garbage on the way. Kendall’s on my heels the entire time.
“That doesn’t sound like your brother at all. Inviting me anywhere.”
“Technically he invited me and said I could bring whoever I wanted with me. I choose you, bestie. Now, put on something nice and let’s get out of here.”
“Why do I have to wear something nice? Is this not good enough for dinner with your family?” she asks, gesturing to her black yoga pants and holey, oversized T-shirt.
“It’s a dinner party.”
“Ooh,” she says dramatically before rolling her eyes. “Okay. Are we talking black tie, or can I just slip on some jeans?”
“Jeans and a clean shirt will be fine.”
With a nod, she spins and leaves me to get changed. Jeans, check. Fresh makeup, check. Body spray I know Finn likes, double check. Searching my closet for a cute top to wear, that I’m not afraid to get dirty while cooking, I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket.
FINN: I hear you’re helping me cook tonight.
ME: Max chose me as the sacrifice, so he doesn’t have to help.
FINN: Remind me to thank him later.
ME: Ha ha. We’ll be there in twenty minutes tops. Need us to pick up anything?
FINN: Condoms?
Yeah, those are probably a good idea considering we have a hard time keeping our hands off each other. Then again, if we don’t have them, maybe we’ll behave better in front of Max.
Who am I kidding? The first time we had sex the other night he didn’t use one. Thankfully I’ve been on the pill for years and never forget to take it. Not having protection didn’t stop us then, and available or not, if given the opportunity, Finn and I will still go at it.
ME: I can grab some if you’re serious, but you have to keep your hands, and your cock, to yourself tonight. I’m still not ready to tell Max. He’s not ready to hear it.