Page 36 of Dirty Little Secret
“Areyou sure this is a good idea?” I ask Finn as he merges to get off the highway, sinking deeper into my seat.
“Yes, it’s going to be fine. He thinks I’m seeing someone so that actually works in our favor. Just play it cool, okay? He’s not going to suspect anything. Not after he called me for help last night.”
When Finn says help, he means to vent. Max was under the kitchen sink. He’d taken the plumbing apart, fixed the PVC pipe with a pinhole leak in it, and was attempting to hook everything back up. Let’s just say it wasn’t going well. I could hear Max screaming into the phone as Finn attempted to calm him down and walk him through the steps he was reading off Google.
“You weren’t much help,” I state, resting my head against the back of my seat as I turn to look at him.
He’s smiling, his eyes focused straight ahead, as he flies down the backroads leading to my house. “And that’s why I’m here. How’s your mom supposed to wash dishes or cook if she can’t use her sink?”
“You said he was going to call a plumber.” Not that either of us believed him. Max is a stubborn ass.
Finn chuckles as he takes the last curve leading to our subdivision. It’s on the outskirts of town, or at least it used to be. The town is growing, expanding. What used to be a small housing development surrounded by corn fields as far as the eye could see is now the largest subdivision in the county with a strip mall on one side and vacant land on the other.
“Quit trying to push me away, LT. I already told you, I’m not letting you escape this time. You’re mine, and the sooner you realize that the better.”
Rolling my eyes, I focus out my window for the last leg of our journey, letting his words sink in. Yes, I want to be his. I am his. There never has been or will be another man who will make me feel the way Finn does. That doesn’t mean I don’t think we shouldn’t still play it cautious. Whether Max thinks he’s seeing someone else or not.
As we pull into my parents’ driveway, I take in the massive two-story house I’ve always called home. I want to own a home exactly like it someday and fill it with kids the way my parents did. Three to be exact. I want the sounds of water splashing in the pool and laughter to be the music floating on a summer breeze. The smell of the grill wafting through the open windows.
“You ready for this?” Finn asks as he opens his door to get out.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“You looked lost for a second. I thought maybe you needed a second.”
“Just thinking, that’s all.” Turning in my seat to exit the vehicle, I feel Finn place his hand on my arm and stop, glancing over my shoulder at him.
“Care to share?”
I’d love to share everything with him. For him to be the father to my children and the one standing in front of the grill, cooking dinner for us.
Of course, that’s not what I say. Who would after two weeks? No one. That would scare him off faster than an angry, irate Max when he finds out the dirty, little secret we’re keeping from him. “Just thinking, that’s all.”
He doesn’t push me for more, but as soon as we walk through the front door, I wish he had. It would have given us another moment of peace before the utter chaos that was exploding in front of my eyes.
My siblings are having a standoff. Toe to toe. Barely a foot of space between them.
Max is screaming at Evie about her dress.
Evie is shouting about being a—these are her words not mine—grown ass womanwho didn’t ask for his permission.
My mom is attempting to talk over both of them, to get them to cool down. She’s waving her hands between their glares, but nothing is shutting them up.
“Well, this is fun,” Finn mumbles from behind me.
“You insisted on coming. Welcome to the show.” I spread my arms out wide, motioning around the room.
“Want me to cause a distraction?” he offers, sliding up next to me, brushing his fingers over mine.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Well, the way I see it, I can do one of two things. I can either kiss you or shout that we’re banging. Both will get their attention.” I feel my face contort in horror at his suggestion. Before I can say a word though, Finn nudges me with his shoulder. “Just smile and play along.”
“Willow and I are sleeping together,” he shouts over the yelling match Evie and Max are still engrossed in.