Page 59 of Dirty Little Secret
Thirty-six hours.
I realize it’s not that long in the grand scheme of things. Still, not being able to hold LT last night, to feel her body curled against mine, her soft snoring assaulting my ears, was torture. Plain and simple.
Add to that the fact I hadanothernightmare about Max killing me and I’m ready for a nap even though it’s only ten in the morning.
I have to hand it to my imagination, though. This time, my death was more creative. Instead of drowning me, Max tortured me first before slaying me with a light saber.
Star Warswas on in the background while we played poker with a few of the guys last night. It was Max’s thank you for all our help this week, though really, I was the one who made out. Colton, Kane, and Julian were broke when they left, and Max had maybe two bucks in quarters, tapping out early.
My dream went a little something like this …
First there was the machete that appeared out of nowhere. He cut off my right hand for touching Willow.
Then Max pressed my face against the hot grill, making it so I couldn’t open my left eye. You know, for looking at her.
The final, and most painful part of my dream was when he wielded a light saber and chopped off my dick.
No need to explain that move.
Again, all while people stood by and watched. Kendall and my brothers, one on either side of her, to Max’s left. Tammy, Evie, and Willow standing off to his right. No one helped. No one hollered for him to stop.
I woke up in a cold sweat, immediately reaching for my cock to make sure it was still intact. I can’t say for sure considering I was in a bit of a panic, but it may have been shriveled up slightly from the dream. Not that I would blame it. Hell, I was still shaking.
So, to be trapped in a car with Max for two hours feels like I’m headed to my death. My mind is consumed with all the possible ways he’s going to react when we tell him. I texted LT this morning, making sure she was sure she wanted to do this, and our conversation didn’t go as planned. I pissed her off on accident, made her doubt what we had.
ME: Morning. Miss you.
LT: Miss you more. What time are you guys leaving?
ME: About five minutes. We should be there a little after ten.
LT: Can’t wait to see you. When do you want to tell everyone?
ME: Are you sure you want to do it today?
LT: Isn’t that what you want? Or have you changed your mind?
ME: About us? No. There’s no changing how I feel about you. About telling your brother …
LT: If this isn’t what you want any more just say it, Finn.
ME: I want this, us, but I also want to live.
LT: He’s not going to kill you. I promise. And I’ll stop him if he even tries.
I contemplated telling her about the dreams. About how she stood by and watched him chop off my dick with a glowing blue beam, but I don’t. It would take too long to explain, and I didn’t want to relive the nightmare.
ME: I think I’m just worried about how he’s going to react. This is what I want. Please don’t doubt that.
LT: Good, because if it wasn’t, I may have had to chop your dick off.
Her choice of words cause me to shiver. What is it with this family and chopping off my favorite body part?
ME: You are all I care about. You are all I want.
LT: Good answer. I’ll see you in a few hours.