Page 68 of Dirty Little Secret
I hearthe front door to my apartment open and then the soft click of the lock sliding into place. He’s early. I wasn’t expecting him for another ten minutes or so. We were going to stay at his place tonight, but Max invited the guys over for poker. Finn said he was going to play a few hands and then come over. He promised not to make me wait that long, but if he’s walking in right now, he basically followed me out. Not very subtle. It’s only been a few weeks since we’ve started seeing each other publicly and we’re still trying to find our balance.
It’s awkward for me to stay at his place, knowing Max is there. That he might hear something. The first night I did, coffee the next morning was tense. I know he’s okay with our relationship but that doesn’t mean he wants to see me with crazy sex hair or watch as a half-naked Finn kisses me.
So, we stay here most nights. Poor Kendall is probably sick of us invading her space. And tonight, I feel bad because we weren’t supposed to be here. She was already asleep when I snuck in an hour ago, probably catching up after the look of exhaustion I saw on her face this morning. She’s been working herself to the bone between summer camp and the daycare center. She loves kids, but being around them all day, every day has to be physically and mentally draining.
Footsteps sounds in the hall, so I slip my robe off my shoulders, toss it in the corner, and open my bedroom door. Finn thought I was mad at him for changing our plans tonight, so I want to show him I’m not harboring any ill feelings about his poker game. I want us to have our separate lives, to be able to do our own thing, but also spend time together. With and without our friends around.
Tonight, without is preferred.
The hallway is dark, but I watch as he approaches, his footsteps faltering when he notices me standing in the doorway, naked. My back is arched against the doorframe, my chest pushed out. He’s seen all of me but that doesn’t mean I’m not somewhat self-conscious, so I cross my legs to hide his second favorite part of my body from the naked eye.
Get it … naked eye! Ha!
Oh, by the way, his favorite part of my body is my heart. At least that’s what he tells me. I’m inclined to believe him since he owns it. It beats for him and only him.
“It’s about time,” I coo, keeping my voice low so I don’t wake Kendall.
Holy shit! That’s not Finn’s voice.
Jumping back inside of my room, I slam my door. My heart’s pounding against my chest as I attempt to wrap my brain around what just happened. There’s a knock at my door, startling me.
“Can we talk?” he asks.
I can hear the strain in his voice. I guarantee he wasn’t expecting what he saw either.
“Um, just a second,” I holler, scrambling across the room to find my robe. Once it’s secured around my waist, I crack my door open and stare into the darkness.
He’s close enough I can see the outline of his five o’clock shadow. Just like his brother’s.
“What are you doing here, Declan?” I ask as Kendall’s door whips open.
Realization dawns on me.
Declan and Kendall. He was the mystery man on the couch. And the reason Finn was so upset about it. Everything is starting to make sense now. Why he was so opposed to them being together.
“Can we not tell Finn what just happened?” he asks instead of answering me.
“Um, he’s on his way over here right now.”
“Fuck,” he mutters, scrubbing his hands down his face. A classic Graham brothers move. “Can we leave out the part where I saw you naked? Please,” he begs.
I’m shaking my head before he finishes, and Declan lets out a sigh. “Of course not. You two are always honest with each other, aren’t you?”
“Better to be honest and hurt yourself than to lie and hurt someone else.”
Before he can reply again, Kendall comes storming out into the hall. The next few minutes are a flurry of activity. Declan apologizing. Kendall yelling at him about being here, freaking out. Finn knocking on the door. Declan getting into an argument with Finn. Kendall crying and storming off to her room.
And me?
I stand there and say nothing. I let the events unfold in front of me, numb to it all.
Kendall refuses to open her door for Declan, who eventually gives up and leaves at Finn’s urging. After he’s gone, Finn drags me back to my room, muttering something about us staying at his place from now on. I can feel the anger radiating off him in waves.
That’s when I snap out of my trance.