Page 27 of On Set
ME: And?
HAYDEN: And you need to get laid. When was the last time? Who was it? The guy from two years ago? What was his name? Brent? Brett? Brian? The one you said you weren’t interested in, but he convinced you to give him a shot and then it was awful. Like the worst sex you’ve ever had. Yeah, you need to get laid. And I mean the kind of sex that leaves you begging for more. Where you see light exploding behind your eyelids.
ME: What do you suggest I do? Create an application … Sign up here if you give mind-blowing orgasms.
AUSTIN: I don’t hate the idea.
HAYDEN: We can do better than that. Who do we know?
ME: No. No. And for good measure, NO!
AUSTIN: You take all the fun out of talking about sex.
ME: No, I’m a realist. Sex is only that good when it’s with someone who makes you feel that good. You can’t take applications for a position like that. And I’m not looking for someone who wants to give me amazing sex. I’m not looking for anyone at all.
I’ve already found him.
No. No. No. Erase the thought from your mind, Taylor.
You’ve done a great job of avoiding your feelings the last few weeks. Stay focused. Don’t let one conversation derail all your hard work.
AUSTIN: Fine. Enjoy your work ‘vacation’ and we’ll continue this conversation in person when you come to Seattle.
HAYDEN: Oh, now I have to rearrange my schedule. I can’t miss that conversation.
ME: UGH! Why do I love you guys again?
AUSTIN: Because love is unconditional.
HAYDEN: I’m not sure but I love you, too.
After silencing my phone, I toss it on the lounger next to me and close my eyes. I’m going to sit here and relax for the next few hours before I have to retreat inside and get ready for the production team dinner.
“You look like you’re enjoying yourself.”
It takes all the strength I have to contain the shiver that runs up my spine at the sound of his voice. I knew I wouldn’t be able to avoid him while we were here.
“I am, but you’re blocking my sun,” I say, cracking my eyes open behind my large sunglasses to find him standing at the foot of my lounge chair.
Eli takes that as an invitation to take up residency in the lounge chair next to me, moving my phone and setting it on the table between us. “The view sure is beautiful, isn’t it?”
When I turn to answer him, I find him staring at me. My body heats under his gaze. The sun has nothing on the way Eli looks at me. If I was warm before I feel like I’m on fire now.
“This place is breathtaking,” I note, keeping my gaze trained on him.
He’s fully dressed. White cotton T-shirt, loose basketball shorts, and a pair of tan sandals. His forehead is shimmering with the slightest sheen of sweat but he appears cool and relaxed.
Meanwhile, on my lounge chair, I’m barely covered in a low-cut halter black bikini top with matching bottoms. Not to mention I’ve suddenly started to sweat in places I didn’t realize had glands.
“Want to go for a swim?” he asks, breaking eye contact and focusing his attention on the small waves that are crashing against the shore twenty feet away from us.
“Um, sure,” I reply, my voice sounding an uncertain as I feel.
Eli must notice my hesitance because he bounces off his lounger. After kicking his sandals off, he rips his shirt over his head, dropping it to the sand, and extends his hand to me. When I place my palm in his, he helps me up and laces our fingers together. The sensation is overwhelming, momentarily distracting me. When I realize we’re still holding hands as the water laps over my feet, I attempt to pull away, but he holds on tighter, continuing to pull me deeper into the water.
Farther from shore.
Away from prying eyes.
Away from the small audience that was surrounding us. The family of four that was lounging a few feet away. The children that were building a sandcastle down by the water. The older couple that was walking along the water, hand in hand.
He doesn’t stop until the water is lapping against my breasts. That’s when he turns and pulls my body against his. His hands squeeze my hips as he holds me against his body, staring down at me. His eyes piercing me, sending shock wave after shock wave straight to my core.
“You’ve been avoiding me, Taylor.” His voice is a low rumble. If he hadn’t already reignited the fire inside of me just from looking at me, the way he said my name would have done it.
Lust and warning mixed together. A dangerous combination.
Opening my mouth to protest, I can’t seem to conjure up a lie. Because he’s right. I have been avoiding being near him any time I could. Ducking into the bathroom when I heard his voice. Waiting until he was back on set to get lunch. Ignoring his text messages.
Because I’m a chicken shit, and the one thing in life that scares me more than anything ever has before is … my attraction to Eli Simms.