Page 33 of On Set
Dabbing his napkin on the corners of his mouth, he finally tosses it on his plate and leans back in his chair, assessing me as he ponders my questions.
His relationship with his parents is drastically different than mine with my mother. It sounds like they are close, or at least were. If that had been the case with my mother, I’m not sure I would have given it up for anything. Not even to chase my own dream. It’s courageous but also heartbreaking that there’s a rift between them now.
“In a way, I guess I already have forgiven them for everything. Because if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have had the courage to come here. The strength to follow my dreams. If they hadn’t saved for five years to take us on that vacation, I wouldn’t have been discovered. It was pure luck my agent was at the Santa Monica Pier that day with his daughter. He should have been at work, but she had a dentist appointment and her reward for having no cavities was to ride the Ferris wheel.
“That day could have gone so many different ways. What if she had gotten a cavity? He wouldn’t have been there. What if my parents hadn’t picked California as our vacation destination? I wouldn’t have been there. What if he’d seen my brother first, or another kid with relatively good looks? Maybe I wouldn’t have caught his eye.” Running his hand through his hair, causing it to stick up in the most adorable places, Eli lets out a sigh.
“The point is it was pure luck that our paths crossed. Fate. Destiny. Whatever you want to call it. There’s a force that was at work that day and it led us to one another. Then it led me to LA. I fell in love with acting, and thankfully I’ve been able to work steadily since. It could have gone either way. If it hadn’t worked out, I would have tucked tail and run back home. And my parents would have welcomed me with open arms. That’s just who they are.”
“I guess I just don’t understand how you can so easily dismiss the fact they didn’t support your decision. Especially since it sounds like you were awfully close with them.”
“Because my parents love me. I have no doubts about that. They are passionate people who love without expectations. I’m the same way. It’s why I’ve been burned before. Why people have tried to take advantage of me and walk all over me, but I’ve also wised up a bit since starting in this business and I can spot a user a mile away now.”
All I can do is stare in awe of the man sitting next to me. To be able to look past another person’s imperfections, to love without expectations, is something I’ve never been exposed to. My mother has always had an agenda. Do I know she loves me? Of course. Does it constantly feel like there’s strings attached to receiving that love? Most of the time.
She has always put her needs before my own.
Done what she’s wanted to do without regard to how I would feel.
She’d disappear for weeks on end, leaving me with Martha. Whether it be for filming or just her need to escape on vacation.
I love my mother, don’t get me wrong, but she’s taught me the kind of person I don’t want to be when I grow up. She’s selfish. Needy. Entitled. Her actions have shown me the downfalls of being in the spotlight.
The last thing I want is her life.
Eli’s life.
Though, he has a different view on it. Instead of making it his top priority, it seems like he’s treating it more like a job, separating his celebrity status from the person he really is.
During the day, while at ‘work’ he’s one person.
At night, when he goes home, he’s another.
If only my mother had been able to separate the two parts of her life better, maybe my view of the industry wouldn’t be so distorted.
“What are you thinking right now?”
We’ve been sitting in silence, staring at each other. The party continuing around us as if we’re not even in the room. No one’s bothered us since we’ve arrived. No one’s stopped over to say hello or engage us in conversation.
It’s like we’re in a bubble.
I like the bubble.
“Let’s get out of here,” I state firmly. When he lifts his brow in surprise, I break eye contact, pushing my chair away from the table and standing.
Eli follows my lead, placing his hand at the small of my back, sending shivers up my spine. I can feel the heat from his palm through the fabric of my dress. Leading me through the crowd, we’ve almost cleared the room when in walks the belle of the ball.
And right behind her, the rest of her entourage.
“Where are you two headed in such a rush?” Celia asks when we attempt to skirt around the trio.
“None of your business,” Eli informs her, a hint of irritation in his voice.
“Mind if we join you? This party looks boring.”
“Actually, we do. Have a good night, ladies.”