Page 36 of On Set
It could have been worse.
Celia could have been the one that caught us making out instead of Ansen.
Sure, he’s the boss. He didn’t like the fact that we were getting involved with each other. He lectured both of us for twenty minutes on the importance of acting professional. How the movie is relying on both of us.
Then he threatened us.
If our relationship becomes a problem, causes any issues for production, he will have to make the hard decision to let one of us go.
That person would obviously be me. His gaze told me as much, but he didn’t even need to look in my direction for me to understand the facts.
They can’t finish the movie without Eli. He’s the star, I’m a nobody. Disposable. An assistant that can be replaced with the snap of his fingers. The same way his last assistant was when she quit.
There wouldn’t even be a hiccup in production if they let me go. But Eli … they’d have to start all over, and with production almost at the halfway mark, that isn’t an option.
Which is why I immediately headed back to my room after he dismissed us. Alone.
Why I’ve barely spoken to Eli while we are shooting.
Why I’ve avoided his phone calls and text messages. I refuse to even look at them knowing I might cave to his requests. That I crave one more taste of his cinnamon lips. Burn for his touch.
Yes, his career is important. I wouldn’t want to do anything to put that, or the film, in jeopardy. But my career is, too. This is a stepping-stone for me. I don’t want to be a PA the rest of my life.
And that’s my focus. To get through this project, let my work speak for itself, and to add Steve Ansen as a reference.
That more than anything will shock the masses.
“Cut!” Ansen calls.
Eli’s chin drops to his chest in frustration. It’s been a hell of a week. Celia’s acting has been subpar, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. Ansen’s voice is hoarse from yelling, and the man isalwaysyelling.
“Eli, take a break. Celia, come with me,” Ansen demands, motioning with his head for her to follow him down toward the water.
We have a little over two hours before we need to set up for the scenes we’re filming tonight. The set team will have to work quickly to transition the makeshift cabana we have set up into a romantic bedroom. If Celia doesn’t pull her shit together, we’re going to be here all night trying to capture less than five minutes’ worth of footage.
“Want to grab a snack with me?” I hear Eli ask as I stare at Ansen’s back. I can tell by his rigid stance that he’s trying to contain his anger. Mentoring young actresses doesn’t strike me as his style, but anything is worth a shot right now considering threats and screaming aren’t working for him.
Celia’s been off her game for far too long.
We’re behind schedule. We need to get the scenes shot right on the first take, move on, and wrap up before the plane leaves in two days.
“No thanks,” I reply, keeping my back to him so he can’t see I’m lying.
Of course I want to go somewhere with him. Anywhere. Alone.
We’re in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Even though it’s for work, this trip would be more enjoyable if I were able to share it with him. Off set. After filming ends for the day.
But I can’t. Not if I want to stay focused on what’s really important.
I don’t have time for a relationship right now anyway. Especially one with Eli. One that could cost me so much. My job. My future. My heart.
Before he can reply, my cell phone starts ringing loudly. Pulling it from the back pocket of my jeans, I answer without looking, grateful for the interruption, but also relieved we weren’t still filming. Ansen would have had a conniption fit. I can’t believe I forgot to put it on vibrate this morning after my alarm went off.