Page 64 of On Set
Sayinggood-bye to the girls was hard. It always is. We never know the next time we’re going to be able to see each other. Even though we talk daily, it’s not the same. And every time it feels like we’re apart longer than the last. If the movie hadn’t been slated to film on location in Seattle, there’s no doubt in my mind I wouldn’t have seen Hayden or Austin this week. More than likely, we wouldn’t have seen each other until Christmas.
When we’re all forced to attend my mother’s annual holiday party.
The one time a year I’m guaranteed to see them.
Which is also the next time we’ll probably be together. Two more months. The movie should wrap up two weeks before the holidays. My schedule will be free and clear until after the new year. They’ll only be home for a week at most, but it’ll be time I’ll cherish. Depending on how things are going between Eli and me, I may need them more than ever by then.
He’s been quiet the entire trip to Napa. I can see the turmoil in the slump of his shoulder. I can feel the uncertainty radiating off his body. We’ve barely spoken since we parted ways at the restaurant last night. With filming slated to start in less than twelve hours, I feel like we need to talk about what he confessed last night before the tension between us interferes with his screen time.
We promised Steve our relationship wouldn’t get in the way of our work. Right now, it feels like the elephant in the car. Even Celia’s eyes have been bouncing between the two of us, a look of curiosity on her face.
So, as we pull onto the grounds of the Napa Harbor Vineyards, our location for the next five days, I shoot him a text. The rest of the production team was dropped off at a hotel about a mile away. Steve, Eli, Celia, and I are the only ones staying on site. He’s sitting next to me in the back seat of the SUV, but I’d rather not say anything in front of Celia.
ME: Want to order in tonight?
ELI: I’m kind of tired.
ME: I’d really like to talk about last night.
ELI: What part? Where you turned me down or the shitty wine the waiter chose?
ME: Us. I want to talk about us.
Glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, I see his fingers poised to type a response but instead remain still. As if he’s thinking it over.
Maybe I ruined my one shot with him even though he said he’d be ready when I was. I’m sure he’s not used to being turned down. I didn’t intend to hurt his feelings, but he caught me off guard. I wasn’t prepared for what he had to say, and because of that I freaked out.
But I know what I want and it’s Eli.
Everything about being in a relationship with him scares me. From the attention he draws to the simple fact he could crush my heart. There’s only one thing that hurts worse, though.
The thought of not being with him.
Scratch that. The thought of him with another woman is even more devastating than not being able to call him mine.
Then there’s the idea that I’ll never find someone like him again.
It didn’t take me long to realize it. I was ready to call him before we even made it back to Austin’s apartment and beg him to forgive me. The only reason I didn’t was because I wanted him to see the sincerity in my eyes.
So, I’m tossing my fears out the window. Well, more like locking them away in a box. Tucking that box in the back of my closet and ignoring it. I imagine it has a pounding sound similar to the heartbeat of the Jumanji game. It’ll taunt me, but I also know the same will happen if I don’t at least give this a chance.
Because Eli is not Beckett.
He’s not a player, as much as the gossip rags try to make him out to be.
He’s genuine and kind. Caring. Sweet. Gentle when he needs to be and takes control when the situation demands.
A damn good actor but also a real person who’s not afraid to show me how he feels.
In front of my friends no less. They’re a tough crowd. The toughest. Hell, he looked less intimidated than when he met my mother.
ME: Please.
ELI: Pizza okay? I don’t think they offer much as far as delivery out here.
ME: Pizza sounds great.