Page 69 of On Set
“Nothing,” I lie, shaking my head to clear the invading thoughts that have me on the verge of freaking out and running away. “I just realized I never texted the girls to let them know we made it. They’re probably freaking out.”
Eli’s nod is slow as he assesses my facial features. Being a shitty liar is going to catch up to me right … about … now.
“Why don’t you shoot them a message and I’ll finish cleaning up?”
Or maybe not.
I don’t release the breath I was holding until I’m in the living room, out of sight.
There are multiple missed calls and messages from the girls when I finally find my phone in my purse. Ignoring them all, I shoot off a text of my own.
ME: Made it safe. Settling in for the night. Call you tomorrow if I get a chance.
HAYDEN: What have you been doing the last few hours? I called the vineyard, and they said you had checked in already.
AUSTIN: And don’t lie because we also spoke with Celia who was very forthcoming with your whereabouts.
Fuck me! Of course they called when I didn’t answer. And for them to get in touch with Celia of all people was the worst possible outcome. How did she even know I was over here? Was it her I felt watching me when I was waiting for Eli to answer the door?
ME: If you must know, I was having dinner with Eli.
AUSTIN: Did you two kiss and make up?
ME: Yes.
HAYDEN: Did you make your relationship official or are you still avoiding the topic?
ME: We’re official.
AUSTIN: This makes me so happy I just screeched and I’m in the middle of a client’s reception. Got a few awkward stares. Thanks for that.
ME: Sorry.
HAYDEN: No, she’s not. She should be jumping up and down like we are but there’s more and she’s not telling us. Why aren’t you excited? This is what you want, right?
ME: Yes, this is what I want, but that doesn’t mean I’m not scared shitless.
AUSTIN: One day, one moment at a time. You can’t control the narrative and you know it. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. Let it. Enjoy it.
HAYDEN: She’s basically telling you to get laid.
AUSTIN: Not what I said at all, but I do agree that you should.
ME: I’ll jump right on that. {eye roll emoji}
HAYDEN: I want details. And you still owe us a pic. Of his chest, not his cock. Though, now that I think about it, I would save that pic on my phone as well.
ME: Listen, we’re gonna turn in for the night. Talk to you ladies tomorrow.
As soon as I hit send, I realize what I’ve just done.
Weinstead of me.
And after my phone sounds once, twice, three times with incoming messages from the girls, I silence the ringer without reading their responses.