Page 71 of On Set
Her next text confirms my suspicions, immediately making me wish we all lived closer. That she had someone to watch over her in the City of Sin.
HAYDEN: The big shot from Dallas says he can call in a favor if you need him to. No one will ever find her.
ME: No favors. I’m just really pissed right now. And you shouldn’t be asking people to help you bury a body. They might take you seriously.
AUSTIN: Are you sure you don’t want to take him up on it, Tay? This seems to be an on-going trend. Every few days she’s doing something that gets under your skin. Maybe eliminating her from the picture is the best option. {Winking emoji}
ME: I can survive another few months and then I’ll never have to speak to her again. She’ll be nothing but a bad memory.
AUSTIN: You’re in the business. She’s in the business. You’re bound to run into each other from time to time. You may even have to work side by side again at some point.
ME: Don’t say stuff like that. You’ll jinx me. And if that happens, let’s hope she grows up between now and then. Plus, if we kill her the movie dies too and I’m actually excited to see how it turns out. The more time I spend on set, the more I’m enjoying the story. It makes me want to read the book. Though, we all know I tend to watch the movies first and then read the books to see how accurate things turned out.
HAYDEN: You only want to watch the movie because your boyfriend is the starrrrrrr.
Yup, she’s definitely day drinking. Probably has been for hours. I can picture her now. One eye closed, focusing really hard on her phone. It’s closer to her face than necessary and she’s biting her lip as she types. Very slowly. Making sure she doesn’t spell anything wrong in a vain attempt to hide her inebriated state.
Drunk Hayden is hilarious. Playful. Up for anything. The little bit of inhibitions she has are forgotten, at least temporarily. Until she has one too many, and then she’s a handful that you want to lock in a closet until she’s sober again.
She never stops talking, her hands flying wildly in the air. She laughs at the silliest things. Dances to the music in her head.
Her poor client. I wonder if he knows what kind of adventure he’s in for.
ME: I just needed to vent. I’m hoping she gets her shit together and we can wrap up soon. I’m ready to head home. I miss my bed.
AUSTIN: You mean you miss your twelve thousand pillows you sleep with every night.
ME: Those too.
HAYDEN: How are you going to screw Eli with all those pillows on your bed?
ME: And that’s my cue to end this conversation. Love you girl. @Hayden, drink some water and don’t sleep with the rich guys from Texas. He’s your client, remember?
AUSTIN: Love you girls.
HAYDEN: I never said he was a client.
Responding means continuing this ludicrous conversation. Which I don’t want to do. My blood pressure is already boiling, the last thing I need is to worry about Hayden getting herself in trouble right now.
My phone starts ringing in my hand before the screen can even go black. Ansen. This can’t be good.
“I’m sending you an email with an updated schedule for when we get back. If we’re as productive as we have been the last hour, we should be able to finish earlier than anticipated. Can you please make sure you take a look at it, work with construction to get the sets up and ready for when we get back so we’re ready to roll first thing Monday morning?”
“Of course.”
“And thank you, Taylor. Whatever you said to Celia … well, you got through to her. I’ve never seen her this spot on before. It makes me want to reshoot a few scenes, but I’ll wait to make that call until after I finish the director’s cut.”
I’m nodding my head in complete shock as I reply. I’m still nodding when Eli walks in a few minutes later with a smile on his face. One look at me and his smile widens.
“You know, if I had known you could put the fear of God in her, I would have asked you to do it months ago.” Taking the sat next to me on the couch, he pulls me to his side, protectively wrapping an arm around me. “I don’t know what you said but you should have seen her out there. It was like I was working with a completely different person.”
“I told her to shine,” I finally say, the silence between us thickening after a few minutes have passed.
“Well, she did, so thank you. It made my job that much easier today.”