Page 80 of On Set
HAYDEN: And I’d rather be on a beach soaking up the sun, but instead I’m inside of a dark casino listening to the sounds of slot machines as people feed their life savings into the monstrosities.
AUSTIN: Could be worse. At least it’s sunny there. It’s been raining for a week straight here and I get to move again in four days. I’m praying the snow holds off until after I’m settled.
ME: Again?
AUSTIN: Yeah, they sold the penthouse. I had just started shoving boxes in the guest closet when I got the email.
HAYDEN: You should really consider buying instead of bouncing around. You have no plans to leave Seattle any time soon. Plus, that would give us an excuse to go shopping and decorate. You know how much I love furniture shopping. It’s the only reason I invested in a condo here.
AUSTIN: I know, but why when I get free rent? My savings account is huge, and when I do finally settle down and buy a house, I’ll be able to pay cash if it keeps multiplying at this rate.
ME: Speaking of buying a house …
Time to break it to the girls.
I’ve been thinking about moving out of my mother’s house for a while now. Putting some space between us. The timing feels right. The movie is almost finished.
HAYDEN: What did you do?
AUSTIN: Are you kidding me?
ME: I haven’t bought one yet, but the money they’re paying us for the exclusive is going to be a down payment on a place of my own. Something small. Closer to the studio so my commute isn’t so shitty every day.
HAYDEN: Please tell me you’re taking Martha with you. I don’t know how you’ll survive without her.
AUSTIN: I second this.
ME: I already talked to her. She’s staying on here, but she wants a key just in case.
HAYDEN: In case what? You forget to set the coffee maker?
ME: Probably. Or need laundry done. Or food in the fridge. You know, what a mother would do for the child she loves.
AUSTIN: I love that woman but don’t give her a key. Prove to her that she’s raised you right and you can survive on your own. Then, invite her over for dinner and cook for her.
ME: I think that’s the best idea you’ve ever had.
My phone begins ringing in my hand, Eli’s smiling face popping up on my screen. Sliding my finger across to answer, I’m surprised there’s a ton of background noise.
“Where are you?” I ask, raising my voice slightly to make sure he can hear me.
“The end of your road. There are cops everywhere. They won’t let me through. Looks like there was an accident.”
“Okay, I’ll run down and meet you. Be there in ten.”
Grabbing my purse, I shoot one final text to the girls and sprint out of the pool house.
ME: Gotta go. Wish me luck.
HAYDEN: You’ve got this!
AUSTIN: Be strong and smile.
As soon as I’m buckled into Eli’s car, he takes off toward downtown LA. We have a little less than an hour to get to our appointment, and on a good day, with minimal traffic, it takes at least twenty-five minutes. I’m praying we don’t hit a jam on the freeway.
Which we do.
And walk into the offices ten minutes late. The receptionist is about to make a smart remark when she gets a good look at Eli. Her jaw goes slack, her eyes devouring every inch of my gorgeous boyfriend.