Page 82 of On Set
“Well,that’s a twist I didn’t see coming,” she says, shifting in her seat uncomfortably. There’s a long pause while she reads over the approved questions in front her, deciding where she wants to go from here.
To her credit, she maintains a level of professionalism I wasn’t expecting. I assumed she would veer off the path, maybe attempt to pepper me with questions I wasn’t prepared to answer. Instead, she went down her list, asking us how we met, about our first date, and other topics readers would want details on.
It’s not until we’re about to wrap up thirty minutes later that she tries to lead the discussion down the road I was anticipating from the beginning.
“And how does your mother feel about you dating a movie star, Taylor?”
“I haven’t asked her. My relationship doesn’t involve her. We keep separate personal lives.”
“Is she dating anyone right now?”
“Not that I’m aware of, but then again, I haven’t asked her. It’s not really my business, is it?” There’s no way she didn’t catch the inflection in my tone.
“And your father?”
“What about him?”
“I’m sure you’re aware there has always been speculation as to what happened to him the night he died. Would you like to set the record straight about the mystery?”
When I woke up this morning, I was sure I wanted to out my mother for her scandal. For headlines to announce the greatest mystery in Hollywood history. For Brenda Rush’s secret to be out.
And now, as I sit here, I realize that her story isn’t mine to tell. That sharing something personal to her is up to her. My words will not do the story justice. They won’t explain why she did what she did because I’m still trying to figure it out for myself.
And as much as I hate working for Steve, he doesn’t deserve this either. My mother made him into the hated man he is today. The last thing I want is to give him another reason to be as asshole. A reason to hate me. To regret making a deal with my mother.
“Maybe one day, when I find out myself, I’d be willing to share but at this point, I’m not going to make any guesses. I don’t like to add to the gossip, remember? There’s a reason we came in here willingly. So only the truth was printed.”
She nods her head once, observing Eli’s reaction to the situation. He’s relaxing back against the couch, twirling a piece of my hair between his fingers, indifferent to the situation.
“Well, one day when you get ready to walk down the aisle, who do you plan to escort you?”
“I guess I’ll make that decision when the situation arises.”
“Eli, do you have any plans to make your relationship more permanent in the near future? You’ll crush the hearts of many readers in the process, but Taylor would be a lucky woman to have you all to herself.”
“She already has me all to herself. I don’t see that changing any time soon unless she tires of me and kicks me to the curb.”
“I don’t see that happening.” Tinsley laughs.
“All the same, we’re still working on writing the story of our present. But if you’re asking me if I see my future without her in it, the answer is no. When you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with you know. There’s no doubt in your mind. And there’s no rush. Enjoy every moment. Cherish the little things and celebrate every victory.”
“I think that’s a great way to end the interview, don’t you?” Tinsley asks, her question directed at me, but I don’t respond.
Eli’s words are on repeat.
They’re all I can focus on.
“When you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with …”
Does he really feel that way or did he say it for show? To give Tinsley a taste of hope. So, readers will be more invested in our relationship.
“Taylor?” I hear Eli call my name, but I don’t turn my head in his direction. Instead, I give it a light shake, pushing away the fear and doubt that are starting to creep in, and smile at Tinsley.