Page 93 of On Set
“Okay. Keep me posted. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
The line goes silent as the coffee machine beeps, signaling the brewing process is complete. Pouring myself a cup, I settle in at the table and start searching for airline tickets. The first available flight I can find is in fourteen hours.
Not soon enough.
The drive is only about three hours, give or take, up Pacific Coast Highway. If I start packing now, I could be on the road by five o’clock and in Seattle by eight thirty if I don’t get caught in too much traffic.
Shooting Ansen an email, I explain the situation and why I won’t be in the remainder of the week. There wasn’t much for me to do yesterday. It was a lot of standing around, waiting for directions. The production team has the situation under control. I made one coffee run and three phone calls.
He must be awake because I get an immediate reply wishing me the best.
Standing and stretching, I’m contemplating a second cup of coffee when I hear the bedroom door open. Glancing over my shoulder, my eyes fall to a ridiculously hot, very naked Eli standing in the doorway. He looks disoriented in his half-awake state. When our eyes meet, he perks up instantly.
Well, one part of him perks up.
When I slipped out of bed, I didn’t bother putting any clothes on. I’ve been wandering around the house in only a pair of panties and his T-shirt. Not that you can see much since it hangs past my knees.
But judging by the smirk slowly spreading across his face and his physical reaction, Eli appreciates what he can see.
“Why do I smell coffee and why are you not snoring still?”
“I don’t snore.”
“Keep telling yourself that. Seriously, though.” In four long strides, Eli is standing next to me, pulling me against his rock-hard body. “Why are you awake right now?”
“Something happened to Austin. I need to pack and head to Seattle.”
“Is she okay?” Eli’s body stiffens as he waits for me to answer.
“I think so. Hayden talked to the doc and said it could be a broken ankle. I’m waiting to hear back, but the earliest flight isn’t until tonight, so I thought I’d drive up instead. She’s gonna need someone to help her.”
Eli tightens his grip, holding me against his chest. My ear is pressed over his heart, and I can hear it thundering beneath the surface. The steady rhythm calms my fears.
“Want some company on your trip?” he finally asks.
“You’re more than welcome to come with me.”
“You usually come first,” he snickers, pinching my butt, “but we can try to come together if you want.”
“It’s too early for your lame jokes,” I say, holding in my giggle.
“Says the girl who’s shaking from laughter in my arms. But seriously, I’m more than happy to come with you.”
Nodding against Eli’s chest, I close my eyes and let the beating of his heart and his warmth surround me. When my phone chimes a few minutes later, Eli releases me and pours himself a cup of coffee and me another cup, doctoring it up just the way I like.
HAYDEN: Doc says she’s still asleep. I told him you were headed up that way. I can’t give him permission to talk to you, but Austin can when she wakes up. Let me know when you get there, and I’ll keep you posted on my end. Going to try and get some sleep now. I have a spa appointment in four hours.
ME: Thanks. Love you. Get some rest. Eli and I are going to pack and drive up there this morning. Text me after you get done with your appointment and we’ll touch base.
“Hayden sounds frantic,” Eli says, handing me my coffee as he reads her message over my shoulder.
“She was cracking jokes earlier, which means the fact Austin is still knocked out is scaring her. And honestly, it scares the crap out of me, too.”
“Then let’s get packing. The earlier we leave, the more traffic we can avoid.”
With the Pacific Oceanon our left, the dark waters seeming endless, a wave of concern washes over me. Austin’s been distant the last few weeks. Her texts have become less frequent, and she’s been quiet in our group chat.