Page 38 of Risky Little Affair
“You know why.”
“Enlighten me.”
“Piper,” I caution, drawing her name out.
“Listen, I get that the most important thing in your universe is school, your scholarship, getting your master’s degree, and never having to go back home. That doesn’t mean you can’t be happy while you do all of that. That you can’t find someone to spend your time with. I’ve never understood why you’ve shied away from relationships. Why you refused to even consider having one.”
She sounds like Kendall.
“What about you?”
“Oh, I’m just picky. Don’t get me wrong, I have goals, too, but when it comes to dating, I refuse to settle for anyone who doesn’t meet my expectations.”
“Do you think maybe you’ve set the bar too high considering it’s been months since your last date?”
Where I refuse to entertain the idea of a commitment because I don’t want to have to choose between studying and spending time with someone, Piper doesn’t have a problem dating. She’s even gone as far as to sign up for those dating websites. This past year, I believe she swiped right on maybe three people she was matched with.
Because she has standards that no one will ever meet.
He has to be taller than her in four-inch heels, which means at least five foot ten inches. You’d be surprised how many guys don’t meet that requirement.
He has to care about his health. She’s going to school to be a nutritional counselor. She had an eating disorder in high school and plans to work with kids, so they understand healthy eating habits.
She’s smart as hell. One point away from being a certified genius. She studies with me not because she has to but because she enjoys learning. Which means the guy has to be smart enough to hold a conversation with her.
As far as looks are concerned, she’s just like every other person on those dating apps. He could meet all her other requirements but if she’s not physically attracted to him, it’s a hard pass.
The few dates she has gone on lacked chemistry. Either he lied on his profile, or the picture didn’t match the real thing. Her last date was probably her worst, which is more than likely why she hasn’t had one since. He said he was twenty-four years old and in med school. Even I thought he was hot after glancing at his picture, and we barely ever agree on what we find attractive in men.
She met him at what she assumed was a restaurant downtown. It was actually a dive bar. He was three years younger than he said. Not a huge deal considering we’re only twenty, but he didn’t look anything like his picture. When she asked him about it, he said it was his older brother, who happened to be married. The kid was as dumb as a box of rocks, she’s pretty sure he didn’t have a job or go to school, though he wouldn’t directly answer her questions, and he tried to take her home with him that night.
To his mom’s house.
Where he lived.
It was the one time she pulled out her pepper spray.
“My standards are what they are. I’m not willing to settle for just anyone. Plus, even if it’s only for a short time, and it’s just for fun, I still don’t want to be bored to death whenever I’m with him. He has to be worth it, ya know?”
“Yeah, I know,” I state, my thoughts drifting back to Micah.
Is he worth it?
Worth giving up any spare second I have?
Worth risking my grades? My scholarship?
I already know the answer. However, I can’t help but wonder if I’m blinded by the way he makes me feel. Because if this turns out bad, I’m risking more than I should be betting.