Page 54 of Risky Little Affair
“I already liked Alexis but now I like her a little more.”
“Go fuck yourself,” I mutter as I refill my glass.
“Calm down, Micah. I have a feeling you’re just getting to the good part.”
He was right. I was. And I didn’t leave even the tiniest detail out. From finding her naked in our tent to Piper catching us in the act. I didn’t spare him from any of it, and he was eating up every word. His eye bulging in places, his smile growing in others. Laughter poured out of him at the end, and I couldn’t help but chuckle with him.
“So essentially you’re breaking the rules by telling me this,” he interrupted as I was about to tell him about our conversation from earlier tonight. The actual reason I came over here. Looking for advice and wisdom from my older brother. Not from his arrogant and often annoying roommate. Who also happens to be like a big brother to me, unfortunately.
“Yes, but it was necessary. And if she gets pissed at me for talking to you, I’ll take the heat, because I have no idea what to do right now.”
“Sure you do. You fight.”
“For what?”
“You really don’t see it yet, do you?” Leaning back in his chair, Max smirks at me but doesn’t elaborate on what he means.
Brushing off whatever he was trying to allude to, I push my still full glass aside and let out a heavy breath. “Tonight she explained to me, in detail, why she is so worried about her scholarship. Why she can’t go back home. Without telling you things that would make you want to rip someone’s head off, I’ll just say it wasn’t good. Her parents are shitty people. And if I ever meet them, I may just tell them what I think about them.”
“And what?”
“You came here looking for advice. You wanted to talk to Finn because you knew he would keep you from doing something stupid, like confronting her parents. So, ask me. Ask me whatever it is that you needed to ask Finn, because judging by the fact it’s close to two in the morning, I don’t think he’s coming home any time soon.”
Probably not.
“I don’t think I really had a question in mind, honestly. I just needed to talk it out with someone, so I didn’t go ballistic and end up in jail. I was ready to rip someone’s head off, and after keeping my cool in front of Lex, I wanted to blow off some steam.”
“Feel better yet, asshole?”
“Fuck you,” I snarl.
“How about now?” he asks, standing and kicking the leg of my chair. “Feel better about caring? About wanting to defend her?”
“What the hell is your problem, asshole? Didn’t your girl make you come hard enough?”
“I’m the asshole? You’re the one who came in here, uninvited, and interrupted my phone call. Tell me the next time Lex is coming over and I’ll gladly pop by unannounced. Oh wait,” he feigns delight as he pauses, “I’m not supposed to know about her, am I?”
I push out of my chair with such force, it goes flying, and slams into the wall. We’re standing toe to toe, nose to nose, glaring at each other, waiting for the other person to back down.
It’s not going to be me.
Who the hell does he think he is threatening my relationship? Threatening Lex?
That’s when it hits me. What he was trying to get me to see.
I hit my breaking point because I care about her.Because I—
Nope. Not going to think like that yet. It’s too soon.
“You look like someone just ran over your dog,” Max says, pushing me out of his face and walking away from me. Not before getting in one last jab, of course. Without even looking over his shoulder at me as he saunters down the hall, he says, “Love’s a bitch, Micah, but your secret is safe with me.”