Page 65 of Risky Little Affair
No one speaks to Max that way. Especially frat members. Max is the president and demands a certain level of respect. Today is not the day he’s going to get it. Not after the shit he pulled last night.
He wasn’t acting very presidential.
Hell, he wasn’t acting like a friend even.
I’m shocked he hasn’t been thrown overboard at this point. If Finn were in my boat, it’s a safe bet Max would be swimming to shore alone.
Max shoots Colt a furious glare over his shoulder but doesn’t reply.
For the next two hours the only sounds are the small waves hitting the side of the metal boat and the zip of fishing lines being cast and reeled in.
It’s a good thing we brought food with us.
“We should stop for more firewood on our way back,” I state as I drop my pole in the bed of Dec’s truck. “If it’s gonna be another late night, we might need it.”
“I could fall asleep right now and not wake up until morning.” His reply is muffled by his yawn. “But I’m starving, and I know those steaks won’t cook themselves, so let’s get going.”
Max is quiet the entire ride back to the campsite. I’m grateful, but also a little confused. I can tell his hangover has worn off. He’s no longer squinting at the sun as it shines through the open windows. Normally, this is when he talks the most, sometimes just to fill the silence. He’s used to being the center of attention, being around people all the time, controlling the crowd.
The only other time I’ve seen him this stoic was at his father’s funeral. And that wasn’t shocking at all. He took his father’s death really hard, as I imagine I will when my father passes. They were close, but even then, he still filled the silence.
“What’s going on with you?” Finn and Declan are grabbing more firewood, so I’m hoping maybe he’ll open up to me a little without them around.
Or not. But that doesn’t stop me from trying anyway.
“Bullshit. I’ve known you my entire life and I’ve never seen you act like this.”
“What do you care anyway? You have Alexis now. Why don’t you focus all your energy on making sure she’s okay and leave me the fuck alone?”
“Oh, I’ll always make sure she’s okay, but—”
“Spoken like a true Graham.”
“What the hell does that even mean? And if it was an insult, you’re going to have to try harder.”
“Forget it.”
He should know better. Being a Graham is not an insult. It’s a damn privilege and I’m proud of who I am and where I come from. It also means I’m a persistent bastard, just like my brothers.
“I’m going to say this once and only once, so listen up, asshole.” When Max’s head whips in my direction, his jaw set, I know I’ve got his attention and I don’t plan on wasting this opportunity. “I have three brothers, always have. You’re the third in case you’re having trouble doing the math and can’t figure that out on your own. I also have two sisters... Willow and Evie. I’ll always protect them as if they’re my blood. That also means I’ll always be there for them. And you. So, when you pull the giant stick out of your ass and decide you need someone to talk to, I’m only a phone call away. Always. Just like you were when I came looking for Finn and got your sorry ass instead.”
The night he was having phone sex with someone.
That has to be his issue.
“Whoever she is, or was, either let it go, or go get her, because this Max in front of me is not the Max I want to call my brother. I’m damn sure he’s not the president his frat brothers elected. And I know for a fact his mother would squeeze an entire bottle of dish soap in his mouth if she heard the things he was saying last night. So, figure your shit out, man. And if you need help or someone to talk to or want advice, for whatever mine is worth, just pick up the damn phone. Don’t be a stubborn ass.”
The set of Max’s jaw has slacked, a clear tell that he’s taking my words to heart even if he doesn’t want to admit it, because he’s still giving me a death glare.
I can feel his stare boring holes into the back of my head the entire way back to camp. While we wait for Julian to cook dinner. As everyone around us laughs and fills their bellies. Even as we sit down next to each other for the start of our poker tournament.
As the sun set, a little switch inside of Max flipped, and two words I never thought would ever leave his mouth crossed his lips.
“I’m sorry,” he says to no one in particular. When the table falls silent, he continues, “I was an ass last night, and today, and I didn’t mean to take out my frustrations on you guys.”