Page 5 of Wicked Little Promise
Right now, we're known for our out-of-control keggers, like the one currently happening, and that's about it. But there's more to life than throwing a great party. We need to up our philanthropy. Find charities to sponsor. Log more community service hours.
And our current president is a joke.
He doesn't care about any of that the way he should. He's only here for the parties. He's only the president for the status he thinks it will bring him. And he couldn’t care less about the condition of the house itself.
But it wasn't like this when we rushed last year. There weren't holes in every wall. Or stains on the carpet. The kitchen cabinets weren't falling off.
All that is courtesy of the fact our president doesn't give a shit about what happens at our parties. I still don't understand how the guys voted him back in again. Or why no one ran against him, challenged him for the position.
"Not what I heard," Kendall mutters loud enough that there's no chance Max didn't hear, but he seems oblivious. Which is probably a good thing. Max would take it personal.
Still, when he tilts his head, taking her in, I get a bad feeling about what's going to happen next.
"Why don't we get the ladies some drinks," I say, patting Max on the back and handing him a plastic cup.
"You look familiar," he says, standing his ground, his eyes locked on Kendall.
"Well, you were paired up with my sister’s sorority last year, so you probably think I'm her in your inebriated state. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not. We're just twins."
Okay, points for the sassy new girl. No one talks to Max like that. Ever.
"Kora," he growls, clenching his jaw.
"Careful, Maxy. Don't say something you can't take back," Lo warns, stepping between the two of them. "Kendall's my roommate, my friend. She's going to be around a lot, so play nice."
Commotion out of the corner of my eye draws my attention away from Max and Lo. One of the pledges, Ron, has his arm wrapped around Piper’s waist.
My feet move of their own accord when I see her attempt to push out of his embrace only for him to hold on tighter and pull her closer. He has to be six inches taller than her. Outweighs her by at least sixty pounds. And the expression on his face tells me he's drunk off his ass.
Grabbing the back of his shirt, I haul him away from her.
When she looks up and her eyes meet mine, for a split second the world around us disappears. There's no party. No loud music.
It's just me and my pretty girl.
But that's a fantasy that doesn't last long before Lo and the others are crowding around her, and I'm dragging the pledge as far away from Piper as I can get.
"She was hot," Brady says from beside me, as I watch two other pledges put Ron in the back of an Uber.
I didn't even realize he was still here. He doesn't generally stay long at these parties. And I certainly didn't realize he saw what went down.
"They all were," I state, trying to sound unaffected.
"Let Max hear you say that shit about his sister. I dare you," he challenges before walking off, laughing to himself.
My pretty girl.
I've wanted her since the moment I laid eyes on her, and my feelings haven't wavered since. If anything, they've only grown stronger. I find myself staring at her anytime she's around. My heart pounding in my chest. An ache in my groin.
Brady thinks I should tell her how I feel.
But guys don't do that.
And girls like Piper ... you can't just walk up to them and say shit like that.