Page 106 of First Comes Love
Adam's head snaps in my direction as he pulls the globe from my grasp.
"Why would you ask me that?"
"She left you, Adam. I can see the pain in your eyes right now. I don't like it. I don't like her."
Sucking in a deep breath, he lets it out slowly and pulls me in close.
"I thought Chloe may have told you, but it's obvious she hasn't. Sawyer didn't leave me, Addy. She died."
It was my turn to suck in a deep breath. One I didn't want to let out.
Why did I have to go and say I didn't care what happened to her? I mean, it's not like I knew she was dead but still.
Open mouth, insert snow globe.
"I'm sorry. I had no idea. If I had—"
"I know. It's not something I like to talk about, but I think you deserve to know. Let me give you the short version and another day we can talk some more about it, okay?" Resting my head in the crook of his shoulder, I nod my head, and he continues.
"We were together since we were little kids. It was never a question, we just were. I loved her, with all my heart. One day she was fine and the next she was gone. A blood clot moved into her lungs and caused her to faint in class. They rushed her to the hospital and discovered Sawyer had bone cancer. The plan was to start chemo as soon as possible, but two days later, she has another blood clot, and this one moved into her brain. She was gone instantly.
"She gave me this snow globe for Christmas. Her parents took her to Denver to see the Christmas lights. It was the last gift she ever gave me. After she died, I was angry. I broke a bunch of stuff in my room. I figured this was caught in the crossfire."
And without even realizing it, there are tears streaming down my face. For Adam. For the love he lost.
Mostly, my tears are for Sawyer and the future she was cheated out of.
"Maybe I will tell him tonight,"I say to Chloe as she pulls up to the house. "Every day is a gift. Why wait?"
This may not have been in the plans, but maybe that's my fault. Every time he asked if I wanted kids, I changed the subject. I still haven't shared my story with him. After I gauge his reaction tonight, I think it might be time.