Page 124 of First Comes Love
"New glasses?" I ask.
Stemless. They're the new trend, and I'm digging them. I don't feel prissy holding my glass between my fingers. With as much wine as I drink, I should get a set of my own.
"Don't change the subject,” she says venturing into the living room. Dutifully, like Carmen, I follow her and take a seat across from her.
"Look, I think you should go back. You can try and find closure if nothing else. If they insist you bring Lola, keep her at your parents’ house. It's not going to be like he's looking for her, or for you for that matter. You can either lie low, play the good daughter, and come back. Or if you want to seek him out and make amends, you can. The choice is yours, but I think you should go."
Drawing her bottom lip in, Chloe chews on it while she thinks it over.
"You know, you're going to make an amazing mother one day. Your advice is always sound. It makes sense. It's never rash. It's like you've thought about it for hours instead of minutes."
Again with me being a mother. What's going on with her today? How did she get inside my head?
Maybe this is a sign from the universe that I should tell her. I've known Chloe for almost five years. I met her the first day she moved in, and we've been close ever since. There's no one I trust more. No one who would understand my pain better.
Just as I open my mouth to start the conversation, Lola runs in the room, Carmen only a few steps behind her. Her hands and face have smears of chocolate on them. Chloe raises her eyebrow at me, and instead of opening up to her, I take Lola into the bathroom to clean up.
Next time.
I'll tell her next time.
As scared as Chloe was,it all worked out in the end. Maybe it's my turn. Maybe this is my chance at a happily ever after. Like Adam said, this is a new beginning for both of us. The past is in the past, where it needs to stay, but it doesn't dictate what our future holds.
Unless we let it.
Adam has found a way to hold Sawyer's memory close to his heart while still moving on with his life. I need to find a way to embrace the few months I carried my unborn child and not let the devastation impact what lies ahead.
I'm a work in progress, but at least I have Adam by my side to help me through it.
All of this has been a great life lesson. One I plan to share with Haley today.
Not only my pregnancy but also my past. Maybe it'll help her realize that she, too, can rise from her current position if she allows people to help and care for her.
If she allows me to.
Wyatt and I discussed the position he's looking to fill in private this morning. When I suggested Haley for the job, and for her to bring her son with her to work as an added real-life element, I was prepared for him to say no. I mean, really, who gets to bring their child to work with them? That's what daycare is for, right?
That's why everyone loves Wyatt.
Of all the people I've met throughout my lifetime, he's one of the most genuine, caring people. He puts the needs of others before his own.
Haley's situation is no different. I've shared with him as much as I think she would want me to. She's not looking for a handout or for sympathy. She needs a job, plain and simple, and Wyatt's agreed to meet with her.
As I pull into the parking lot of her apartment complex, my hands begin to shake. I've experienced a mix of emotions this morning. Excitement for Haley and the prospect of her making a better life for herself. At the same time, my nerves are on end. I'll be sharing a part of my story with her in hopes that it helps her to better understand why I want to help her. Hopefully, she'll accept my assistance and the job interview.
Between excitement and nerves, there's also been the nauseous feeling swimming around in my stomach this morning. I haven't thrown up yet, but there were a few times I ran to the bathroom and experienced a bout of dry heaving. That's almost worse than actually vomiting.
Knocking on her door, I can hear baby Gus screaming inside the apartment. The sound gets louder as Haley approaches the door. She throws the lock, and when she opens it, I'm surprised to find her wearing the same clothes she was the other day.
Her hair is a mess, sticking out of her high ponytail in every direction. Her mascara is smeared, and there are bags under her eyes. Gus has a giant stain on the front of his shirt and drool falling from his chin, soaking his shirt above the stain.
"What are you doing here?" she asks, bouncing a still-crying Gus on her hip. She sounds even more tired than she looks.
"I didn't mean to drop by unannounced, but I didn't have your number. I have a lead on a job for you."
She perks up at the mention of the job, steps aside, and invites me in. Grabbing a bright blue plastic ring from the freezer, she hands it to Gus, and he instantly stops crying. Placing him in a playpen, Haley clears the two of us seats at the table.