Page 133 of First Comes Love
He must have had something to do with this.
Bev clears her throat, gathering everyone's attention. "So the rules are a little different than you would expect. Chloe and Wyatt each have a dozen eggs. Six blue, six pink. All of them are hard-boiled except one. The eggs need to be broken to find out if it's hard-boiled or not. Adam will be smashing the eggs against Wyatt's forehead, and Addison will be doing the same to Chloe."
Oh, this is going to be fun.
"We'll take turns. Adam and Addison, you can pick any egg you want. Who wants to go first?"
Adam and I both say "Me" at the same time, with more enthusiasm in our voice than necessary, causing laughter to erupt from the guests.
"How about ladies first? Addison, you're up," Bev declares as I reach for the first egg.
"Be nice," Chloe begs, squeezing her eyes closed.
"Of course," I reply as I smash the egg against her forehead, the shell cracking.
Adam smashes a pink one against Wyatt's forehead and has the same result.
We go back and forth until there's one egg left in each container. Chloe's egg is blue, Wyatt's is pink. There's still a chance they could have either. I think Adam did that on purpose. Whatever color I smashed, he picked the opposite.
"Last egg," I announce, holding it up for everyone to see.
"Wait!" Chloe yells, covering her forehead as I'm about to smash it. "We should do it at the same time."
Nodding at Adam, he picks up his pink egg, and on the count of three, we both smash.
My hand is covered in yolk. It's running down Chloe's face, dripping off the end of her nose. Tiny blue shells are everywhere and sticking to everything. I hear laughter and applause in the background, but I'm more concerned with cleaning up Chloe than anything.
It's not until Bev yells “twins” that I stop what I'm doing and look to Wyatt.
His face is also covered in yolk and eggshells, only his are pink.
"Twins," I whisper.
"No, not twins," Chloe says, wiping her face with the paper towel I hand her. "I know that for sure. I would be twice as big if there were two of them inside me. My mother must be playing a prank on us."
Glancing back at Wyatt, it appears he's not in on it. His eyes are wide in surprise as he cleans himself up.
"Mom," Chloe groans. "There's only one baby in my belly, I can assure you that. What's going on?"
Bev laughs and rolls her eyes.
"Well, I may have had a little chat with Dr. Melly the other day when I saw him. He told me that Adam and Addison weren't finding out what they were having. I bribed him to tell me and switched up the game a little. One of you is having a boy and one is having a girl. I figured it was only fair that if they weren't finding out, you couldn't either."
Oh lord. This can go one of two ways. Either Chloe will play it cool and freak out on her mom later or she's going to do it right now.
"So," Wyatt says, his deep voice drawing everyone's attention away from a very irate Chloe. "No matter what, the family is going to have a boy and a girl."
"If you really want to know—" Bev begins.
"No. This is great, actually," he says, looking to Chloe. He shouldn't have done that. She's not on board with whatever he's about to say judging by the fact he just cringed. I don't think I've ever seen Wyatt cringe before.
Wyatt goes on to explain that since every guest will be bringing a gift for each of us to the shower on Sunday, they should bring one for a little boy and one for a little girl. That way, we're both set. He'll store the gifts until the babies are born.
Chloe looks less than enthusiastic as she stares at Wyatt across the table. Wyatt is facing the crowd, pretending to be oblivious to Chloe's attention. If his eyes weren't darting toward her every few seconds, I might believe that he didn't know she was looking at him.