Page 149 of First Comes Love
Adam squeezes my hand. When I look up at him, he's smiling at me, his excitement outweighing his fears. Even if I'm not ready for her to be here, he is, and I know he's going to take good care of both of us.
Helping me sit back up and lean forward, Adam rubs up and down my back. It's weird how I can feel his hand on my skin one minute, and then it's gone the next, only to return again.
Giving it my all, I push for the doctor when he tells me to and keep pushing until I hear my daughter cry.
"It's a girl," the doctor announces as if we didn't already know. "Dad, would you like to cut the cord?"
Adam rushes the three feet to the end of the bed and takes the oddly shaped scissors from the doctor. The nurse takes our daughter, and Adam watches her closely as she cleans her up.
"You're doing great, Addison. Now, I need you to push again so we can meet your son."
Time stops.
Twins? We're not having twins. They would have told us that, right? We said we didn't want to know the gender. Two babies? That we would want to know.
Adam and I share a look, our jaws dropping in unison, before turning back to the doctor.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm just kidding," he says as the nurse places our daughter on my chest.
He's a lucky man. If my newborn child weren't in my arms right now, I might jump out of this bed and attempt to kill him. Adam is even less amused than I am.
"Hey, doc," he says. "I'd lose that joke if I were you. I really want to punch you right now."
"Well, son. You're not the first person to tell me that, and I'm sure you won't be the last. You will, however, remember this moment more because of how you felt."
Placing my hand on Adam's arm, he turns his attention to me and then our daughter resting peacefully on my chest. Her eyes are open, and they stare at each other for a long moment while the doctor and nurse take care of me.
"She's perfect," he says, reaching for her tiny hand.
"What should we call such a perfect little girl?" I ask.
Bouncing ideas back and forth for a few minutes, Adam's eyes light up when I make a suggestion. It's the perfect name for the perfect little girl. She'll honor it well.
"Addy!"Chloe exclaims as she runs into the room. Stopping just short of the bed, she scans the room, and a frown appears. "Where is my niece?"
"In the nursery getting checked out. They should be bringing her back shortly. Where's my nephew?"
"In the waiting room with his big sister. She wouldn't let us bring him in since she couldn't come back here."
"Awe. I take it she likes him already."
"She's in love with him. Already planning playdates and all that fun stuff. She doesn't understand that he's not going to want to play with dolls until he's about two, and by then, he'll only want to torture the dolls."
An image of a mini-Wyatt destroying all of Lola's precious dolls brings a smile to my face and causes a giggle to erupt from my chest. Chloe just shakes her head and smiles at me. Those two are going to keep her on her toes, especially as they get older.
My laughter is cut short when Adam and Wyatt walk into the room, the crib with my precious angel in it right behind them.
Chloe rushes past Adam, whisper-shouting her congratulations. The nurse shoots me a questioning look, and I nod my head to let her know it's okay. The one thing I've noticed about the nurses here is they're very protective of the babies, which is great.
I was in the bathroom when my mother showed up and the nurse wouldn't let her hold her until I gave my approval. It pissed my mom off, and judging by the smirk on the nurse’s face, it pleased her.
That was a short visit, thankfully. She missed her flight home, and the only other flight she could get on was later in the evening, so Liam was waiting in the parking lot to take her to Denver. I almost asked her why he didn't come in, but I already knew the answer. This is the only way he knows how to deal with everything that's happened in the last twenty-four hours.
If it takes him even half as long as it took me to get over this, he's going to be “dealing” with it for years to come. I made sure to explain that to my mother. She seemed surprised by my words but promised to apologize before they parted ways.
She apologized to me as she hugged me goodbye. I heard the sincerity in her voice and felt an immediate sense of relief until she kept talking. She's coming back. Sooner than I'm ready for her to be, I'm sure.