Page 3 of First Comes Love
“What about a boyfriend?”
Is he fishing? He has to be fishing. Please let him be fishing.
“Nope,” I reply, popping the P for emphasis. “Single at the moment.”
And never happier to be single. Josh and Ginger can have each other.
“Well, why don’t you ride back with me and hopefully we’ll have you fixed up tonight.”
Grabbing my purse, I jump into the cab of the truck. Wyatt hooks my car up and we’re on the way in no time. There’s an uncomfortable silence between us as the ten-minute ride feels like it takes an hour. Every now and then I sneak a peek over at him. When the street lights illuminate his face, I can see how nervous he is.
I’m nervous too. His presence makes me nervous in a good way. I’ve never felt like this being near a guy before. That has to mean something. At least, I hope it does since I’m about to put myself out there and I hate rejection.
“So, before we get there, I was kind of hoping that you might ask me out.”
The truck comes to an abrupt halt. I reach for the dashboard as the sound of the wheels skidding on the dirt echo through the cab.
“What the hell!” I scream, turning to face him.
“Chloe, will you go out with me?”
“Dramatic much?” I laugh.
“Let’s just say I didn’t want to wait another second and I wanted to be able to look in your eyes when I asked you.”
Pointing out the front window, “You realize that the garage is about ten feet from here, right?”
“So, will you?” he asks, ignoring my question.
“On one condition,” I reply, causing him to raise an eyebrow. “I get to drive next time.”
Smiling, he replies, “I have one condition too.”
“What’s that?” I ask as I watch him unhook his seat belt and slide toward me. “I can kiss you right now because I’m not sure I can wait much longer.”
Reaching for his jaw, I run my fingers along the hard lines. When his lips meet mine, my heart explodes in my chest. His kiss is gentle but passionate. It’s the most perfect kiss I’ve ever had.
Until Willy knocks on the window, interrupting the moment.
“Garrett’s Auto.”
“Hi, I just ran out of gas near the town limits and I was hoping someone could come help me out.”
“Sure thing, Miss. Name?” His voice is grizzly on the other end of the line. I recognize it and as soon as I say my name, he’s going to recognize me.
“Chloe Warren,” I whisper into the phone. I could scream my name and no one would hear me where I am, yet I whisper, hoping to avoid the spread of knowledge through my tiny hometown.
I can hear them now.
Chloe’s back. I wonder why after all this time? She should have stayed away.
“Well, Miss Chloe, it’s nice to hear your voice. It’s been awhile. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be there. Sound good?”
“Yeah, Willy. Sounds great. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Hey, Willy,” I say, apprehensively.