Page 38 of First Comes Love
“So, tell me more about Jones,” Addy finally says as we turn to make our way back to the car.
“What do you want to know?”
“Everything.” Her single word answer comes out more enthusiastic than necessary.
“He was always the one who kept me on my toes,” I reply dryly.
“That’s it? That’s all I get?”
“Ask me something specific, then,” I demand.
“Well, for starters, is he single?”
Of course that’s her main concern. Laughing, I shake my head. If she only knew why.
“Good. What’s he really like? Is he as sweet as he seems?”
“I think so. He’s always been a nice guy, funny at times, and a bit of a prankster.”
“I can handle that. I can take a joke. What about his exes? Are they all crazy? Should I be watching my back?”
“I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” I reply, unsure of how to answer her. It took a lot for Jones to tell me his story. I won’t be the one to tell Addy. If he wants her to know about Sawyer, he needs to be the one to tell her.
“Are you okay that I asked him to the party? I mean, aside from the Lola factor. If I had been thinking straight, I would have cleared it with you first. I just, I got ahead of myself. I’m sorry.”
“It's fine, Addy. I saw the way you two were looking at each other. I wouldn’t have said no even if you had asked me first.”
“Good, because I might have killed you. He’s hot. There’s something about him that just drew me to him. I’m not sure what it is. It’s almost like when he was looking at me, he was seeing someone for the first time.”
Addy goes on and on about how cute Jones is. How amazing he seems to be. She tells me all about their conversation and thanks me for giving her a few moments with them.
If the story was mine to tell, I would fill her in on how accurate her assessment of Jones really is. Yes, he was probably looking at her like his eyes were finally open. I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he was looking at Addy. The spark between them was real. Jones seemed more alive in that moment than I’ve ever seen him before.
For their sake, I hope things work out. Addy might be able to survive losing him, but Jones would never survive losing her. Not if things become serious. Not after losing Sawyer the way he did.
He seems like he’s moving on or at least making an attempt. When I saw him yesterday, despite what he said, it was obvious that he had started to look to his future and wasn’t stuck focusing on events he can’t change. If he really is ready to open himself up to a new relationship, to put Sawyer in his past, I’m happy for him. I know he’ll never forget her or what she meant to him. It’s the same way I feel about Wyatt.
Our past is just that… the past.
We could sit down and rehash everything that happened, everything we went through together, and the time we spent apart. Nothing can change what happened. They say time heals all wounds. What if I’m about to reopen his wound?
Will he still heal in time?
Will time allow him to forgive me for circumstances that were beyond my control?
I’m hoping the answer to both of those questions is yes. If not, I’m not sure I even want to tell him. Why cause him any more pain? Why tell him and then up and leave again? Why take his daughter away from him?
Not that I have a choice in the matter
At least right now, he’s in the dark about her. He can be mad at me for leaving without any explanation. He may still even be hurt by it. Why compound that pain?
“What’s going on in your head right now?” Addy asks, pulling me to a stop once we reach the edge of the park.
“Just thinking,” I reply, staring at the picnic table that only hours earlier, she sat at with Jones.
“The same thing I’ve been thinking about since I left Denver. What I’m going to say when I see him. Wondering how he’s going to react to seeing me. Is he still angry? Will he even talk to me? Did I break him?”