Page 63 of First Comes Love
“The fifteen hundred acres we sold him a few years ago, right before he bought the pond. For his little project.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but that’s not the point. This has nothing to do with land. This is about me and you, both of you. So here’s what it boils down to.
“I’m done taking orders from you. I’m done letting you make decisions for me. Decisions that I’ve never agreed with. Do you understand?”
My mother rolls her eyes when I look over at her and my father doesn’t bother to reply.
“Okay, let me try breaking it down for you, then. If you want to be a part of my life, of Lola’s life, you’re going to have to learn to accept Wyatt is also a part of our life. A big part. He’s Lola’s father. That’s not going to change. Whether we get back together or not, you’re going to be seeing a lot more of him. Lola loves him already, and I don’t plan on pulling them apart.
“So, it’s your decision. You can either be a part of my life, all parts of my life, or not. Wyatt and Lola are a package deal.”
Standing, I get ready to walk out when I hear my mother’s first whimper. It’s her signature fake cry. She wants attention. She wants people to feel bad for her, to cave to her needs, but she’s not sad.
“I’m sorry if this upsets you, but this is the way it has to be. I’m going upstairs to pack and then I’m leaving. Through the front door this time.”
An hour later, I’m back at Wyatt’s unloading my bags into his living room. Jones is right behind me, carrying most of Addy’s things and Lola’s tiny pink suitcase. I know we can’t stay here, but until I get us a room and my car from my parents, our things had to go somewhere.
“So what now?” Addy asks as I plop down on the couch.
“Well, I need to get my car, and I told Wyatt I would bring Lola downtown for the festival. I guess we could go do that. Did you hear that Jones?” I holler. “You win. I’m going to the festival.”
Peeking his head around the corner, there’s a sinister smile on his face. I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion, but he disappears back into the kitchen when Lola calls him.
“Shall we, then?” Addy asks, standing and reaching down to pull me up.
Jones drops me off at my parents’ to grab my car. Worried my parents might cause a scene in front of Lola, I ask them to head into town with her. Addy agrees, the look on her face one of complete understanding.
As I’m backing out of the garage, I see my father standing in the middle of the driveway, blocking my exit. Knowing he’s not going to move, I throw my car in park and get out.
“What?” I ask, my detestation with him blatantly obvious.
“You mother and I would like to invite you over for dinner tonight. You, Lola, and Wyatt.” Suspicious of his motives, I cross my arms over my chest and tilt my head. “This is us trying, Chloe. We don’t want to lose you or Lola.”
“Fine,” I finally say. “I’ll ask Wyatt if he wants to come, but I won’t force him.”
“Thank you.”
Sliding back in my car, I back down the driveway slowly, my father waving as I go. I want to celebrate my victory. They heard what I said; they are finally taking me seriously. In the back of my mind, I can’t help but wonder why, though. Was is it because I threatened to keep Lola from them, or do they finally understand the mistakes they’ve made?
My guess would be it has more to do with Lola than anything. And truth be told, I don’t want to keep her from them. She has a great relationship with my parents. I don’t want them to distort her view of Wyatt, though. They have a funny way of making people see things the way they do, the way they want them to be seen.
I fell victim to it, and I don’t want that for Lola. I’ll protect her at all costs.