Page 86 of First Comes Love
Part 2
Addison & Adam
That's all I ever thought things between Adam and me would be. He was sweet and sexy. It was obvious he was as attracted to me as I was to him.
So why not have a little fun?
I was only in town for the weekend, but with the way things were looking for Chloe and Wyatt, I knew I'd be seeing him again. We could have a casual relationship. One of convenience. Nothing too serious. No strings attached.
Maybe it was my hormones talking that day.
It had been close to a year since I'd welcomed someone in my bed. Hell, it’d been almost six months since I'd been on a date. The last one was an epic failure, hence the reason for no second date and no sex. Sex is not something I take lightly. For multiple reasons.
First, my career was my primary focus. I’ve worked hard to get where I am today. Clients seek me out. They know I’m going to take care of their money. Nothing was going to get in the way of being able to achieve my goals, especially a man.
Been there, done that. Not going down that road again. I didn't enjoy it the first time, and I'm smart enough to not repeat my mistakes.
Second, I'd rather not have a man in my life right now. They tend to complicate things. I prefer living the simple life, answering only to myself and not having to rely on another person for anything.
Lastly, when I do take a man to bed, my emotions tend to go on the fritz. I'm unable to have sex without attaching feelingsto the person, and feelings are messy.
The simple fact that Adam lived far away would uncomplicate the situation for me. At least that's what I was telling myself. He wouldn’t be able to stop over for a quickie. No expectations on a daily basis from either side. There was no chance I'd run into him randomly.
That's the worst.
When you run into someone you went on a date with after avoiding them like the plague because you just weren't that into them. Sure, you made up an excuse when they asked you on a second date so you didn't hurt their feelings. You can't tell them they suck, that's not nice. But you should have, because when you run into them and they ask you out again, you have to remember what excuse you used last time or else you're stuck saying yes.
My relationship with Adam, if you can call it that, would be as sporadic as me making time to read a book. I could choose to, force myself to pick it up and open it, or I could ignore it on the table next to me until I was ready. I had the time to read. It was whether or not I chose to use my free time reading.
Or in Adam's case, reading means spending time with him. In bed. Because that's all our relationship can be without being complicated.
Hot. Passionate. Dirty sex.
If the way he looks at me is any indication of exactly how hot it will be, I may need to keep a bottle of water by the bedside to put out the flames.
From the moment we first met, I've felt his stare every time he's looked in my direction. He may have started out speechless as he unapologetically checked me out, but things have changed since that day. When he took my hand, brought it to his lips, and gently kissed it, I knew I was in trouble. His touch set me on fire, my stomach dancing as my name crossed his lips. The feeling caught me off guard, so I pulled my hand away, unsure if I wanted it to continue.
The overwhelming feeling continued its assault on my heart as Adam and Chloe talked. I decided then and there that I had to see him again. Even if just for one night, we would spend it together. There was too much chemistry between us, and all we'd shared was a handshake.
So I invited him to Bev's birthday party. Flirted with him, gave him my number, and let the excitement of seeing him again sink in as he ran back to work.
It's been six days, and I've already broken every rule I tried to set for myself. Instead of a weekend fling, I've called him three times since I left Fairview two days ago. My heart aches for him. I've been unable to focus at work. The only time I feel like myself is when we talk on the phone.
Things are becoming complicated.
My emotions are on the fritz.
All things I was trying to avoid.
There will be no avoiding him when he comes here this weekend.
"Chloe!" I holler, bursting through her door.