Page 89 of First Comes Love
Rum & Cherry Coke
Watching the clock,the moment it strikes five, I reach for my purse and sprint out the door for the weekend. Adam should be here within the hour, and I want to be home when he arrives. Aside from dinner with Chloe tonight, our only plans for the weekend are to stay in and get to know each other better.
ME: Leaving the office now. Need anything?
CHLOE: Can you pick me up more packing tape on your way home?
Yesterday, Chloe made it official that she was moving back to Fairview, back to Wyatt. She put in her notice at work and started the agonizing process of packing up all her shit. Lola's room was the first to be tackled. We were able to get most of it done in one night. As for the rest of her apartment… that's going to take a while.
She has a little over a week to get it all sorted out.
ME: Sure. If Adam gets there before I do, let him know I'm on my way.
CHLOE: He says take your time.
ME: He's already there?
ADAM: Hey. Got here about an hour ago. Helping pack. Hurry up and save me.
CHLOE: Yep. He's helping me pack up a few things while he waits for you.
ME (to Chloe): That's nice of him. Be there soon.
ME (to Adam): Commence operation RESCUE ADAM FROM HARD LABOR!
CHLOE: Thank you.
ADAM: HAHA. She's making me do all the heavy lifting. I may need to go to bed early tonight. I'm getting tired already. ;)
The thought of going to bed with Adam next to me lights a fire under my ass. I rush through the hardware store, grabbing three rolls of packing tape, more than Chloe will probably need. Even with the extra stop, I make it home in record time, and when I walk through Chloe's open front door, I find her and Adam sitting at the dining room table, eating pizza.
They each have a glass of dark soda in their hands, and they're toasting to something.
"I hope I'm not interrupting," I say, dropping the tape on the table next to Chloe.
"Of course not. I was just telling Jones my plans."
"And I'm trying to convince her to tell Wyatt and put him out of his misery. I'm dreading going back. All he does is whine about Chloe not being there. I think I prefer broken Wyatt over love-sick Wyatt."
Chloe smacks him in the back of the head as Adam takes a drink, causing him to choke on his soda. Patting him on the back, I laugh at the sibling love they share before taking the seat next to Chloe.
"Serves you right," I say to him, hitching my thumb in her direction. "You know better than to be a smart ass around this one."
"I didn't think she'd try and kill me for it," he mumbles, hiding his smile behind his glass.
"If I wanted you dead, you'd be six feet under, Adam Jones. You know that. Now, quit being an ass and make Addy a drink."
Bossy pants Chloe is back. I miss this side of her. The take-no-shit-from-anyone side that only shows itself when she has her mind set on something. That something, in this case, is Wyatt and keeping him in the dark about her plans.
Wishy-washy Chloe has vanished. I never really understood that side of her, especially where he was concerned. There was never a doubt in her mind that she still loved him, but I guess when love scares you, it can bring out personality traits you're not even aware you have.
Setting a drink down in front of me, Adam lifts his hand and tilts my chin upward. Bending down, he gently kisses me on the lips and whispers hello against them.
My heart comes to an abrupt halt as my body melts into a puddle of mush on the floor. The only thing keeping me from sliding out of my chair is Adam’s hand still under my chin.
"Hey," I say, unable to come up with something better.