Page 97 of First Comes Love
"Good. In three weeks you can call me, and we can make it official. We'll cash out the rest of your vacation, and I'll put you in touch with the right people. It'll be a smooth transition. Until then, go home, relax, figure it out and keep me posted."
"I should probably call and reschedule with all my clients. I have meetings all week—"
"I copied your secretary on the email. She can take care of that tomorrow morning." I'm at a loss for words. When I don't say anything, June reaches for my hand and gives it a light squeeze. "Go home, Addison. Tell that man of yours that you’re taking the leap with him. For him. Let it sink in."
"And if I change my mind?"
"You won't, but if you do, you have a place here still."
"Thank you, June."
"No need to thank me. You should be thanking him. He's changing your life in the best way possible."
Standing, she pulls me in for a hug and whispers in my ear words that I'll never forget.
“With him, life will be better than you ever imagined.”
June gathers her things and is out the door a few minutes later. Sitting back down, I stare at the empty coffee cup in front of where June once sat and replay our conversation again.
My phone rings as I'm pulling into the parking garage below my apartment, my signal cutting out as soon as I answer. It doesn't matter. I'll be upstairs in Adam’s arms in a few minutes. Then I'll share the news with him, we'll celebrate with Chloe, and then the madness begins.
"Babe!" I holler as I walk through the front door. "I'm back."
"Hey," he replies as he walks in the kitchen. "What took so long?"
"Sorry. We got talking and lost track of time."
Pulling the bottle of champagne I stopped to get from the bag in front of me, I hand it to Adam to open.
"What's this for?" he asks, removing the foil protecting the cork.
"We're celebrating."
"Celebrating what, exactly?"
"Pop the cork and I'll tell you."
"Should you get Chloe?"
"Not yet. I'll text her to come over in a bit."
There's a hint of curiosity in Adam's eyes as he gently pops the cork, pouring us each a glass. When I raise mine to toast, he gently pries it out of my hand and places it on the counter.
"Before you say anything, I have to ask. You're not pregnant, are you?"
Laughter bursts from my chest.
"No!" I shout between deep breaths. "First, I wouldn't be celebrating that. Second, I wouldn't be drinking champagne if I was. Third—"
"Okay, I get it. Just checking." Adam waves his hand in the air and hands me my glass. "Continue."
The speech I planned, the one I've been reciting over and over again the entire drive here, is nothing but a memory. A lost thought. Gone.
The minute he mentioned me being pregnant, it disappeared. Laughter was the only thing that held back the tears. The memories came no matter how hard I tried to block them out.
"The doctor should bein to see you shortly," the nurse says as she slowly backs out of the room.
I couldn't help but notice the sorrow in her eyes. Sorrow that shouldn't be there for a bruised jaw and split lip. There has to be a bigger reason. One she hasn't shared with us yet.