Page 4 of Torrid Little Passion
My eyes were drawnto her the second I walked into the bookstore. Her tiny little frame. Stick straight hair swishing around, barely brushing her shoulders. Black leggings molded to her toned thighs and tight, perky ass. Snarky t-shirt, the words stretching across those luscious tits I've dreamt about putting my face between.
Mya Campos is the definition of a sexual fantasy, and she's starred in plenty of mine over the years.
When we first met, sophomore year, I ignored my attraction to her. My social anxiety had ramped up and approaching girls, no matter how attracted to them I felt, was not something I could do. Fate was on my side, though, because lab partners were assigned by last name. When I saw the assignment—Campos & Coleman—I damn near came in my pants.
It was the dead of winter, January being a harsh month in Michigan. Instead of meeting in the library or lab, she suggested we meet at a coffee shop. It was close to my apartment, nowhere near campus, and I took that as another sign. I was going to be alone with her—well, surrounded by people we didn't know, but technically alone. So I arrived early, chose a seat in the corner so I could attempt to keep my anxiety at bay, and waited for her.
When she walked in, I popped out of my chair, my knees feeling weak. Mya waved and stopped at the counter to place her order. As she finally made her way to the table, I remember the sound of the bustling cafe fading away as the erratic beat of my heart filled my ears.
Then she took her coat off.
And I almost lost my shit. I felt my mouth pop open, my eyes falling to her low-cut sweater.
I knew she was gorgeous, but I'd never seen her dressed like that before. Our class was at eight o'clock in the morning. Most of the time she wore baggy sweatshirts and leggings with fuzzy winter boots. It wasn't her body that I was attracted to. Her face was angelic. Her sky blue eyes were captivating. I have to admit, I'd already decided she had the nicest ass I'd ever seen, and now I knew she also had the most gorgeous tits on the planet.
Perky. Full.
Being alone with her became my top priority. To get to know her. I wanted to know everything. To see all of her.
Which is what we did that semester, becoming great friends in the process, and the coffee shop became our place. I played it cool. Kept it casual. Attempted not to stare too long at any part of her. I admired her when she wasn't looking. Let my mind wander when we studied in silence.
Then I'd go home and get myself off to thoughts of her.
Mostly, we'd play doctor and nurse in my fantasies. She was planning on going to nursing school, and I was pre-med. Sometimes she would be my patient in need of a physical exam I was happy to perform. Others, her scrubs would be replaced with a naughty nurse costume—the kind girls wear on Halloween. But my favorite is when I was the one being examined. Where her hands would inspect every inch of my body.
"What can I get for you today?" The girl behind the counter brings me back to reality.
Mya's by my side. Her hand in mine.
We're standing in the coffee shop we once called our special place.
I've basically abducted her because I didn't want our ride to end, the feel of her body wrapped around mine driving me insane.
"Large black coffee and a large iced mocha with skim milk, please," I finally say, regaining my composure.
Well, as much of it as I can control. There's nothing I can do about the tent in my jeans, but I can at least attempt to act natural. He took notice of Mya in the bookstore, but I was able to calm him down. When her tits pressed against my back as I started my bike, he refused to listen to me anymore.
Reaching into my back pocket with my free hand, I pull out my wallet and hand over my credit card.
"You didn't have to buy me coffee," Mya says as we wait for our order. My empty cup is sitting on the counter, waiting for me to pick it up and fill it, but I refuse to make her wait by herself. I also refuse to let her hand go any sooner than I'm forced to.
"I know. But I figured you could use a little boost after spending that much money on books."
I understand why classes are as expensive as they are, but books— that's where it gets out of control. And you have to buy them. Without a book, you don't get the information you need to pass the expensive class. Don't even get me started on the cost of a parking pass. And I have to buy two every year. One for my bike and one for my car in the winter.
"You remembered my order," she points out just as they call my name, placing her iced mocha on the counter.
Releasing my hand, Mya picks up both cups, handing me mine. After filling my cup with the strongest brew they have and two packets of sugar, I make my way over to the table Mya has picked.
Our table.
"So, how have you been?" she asks, avoiding eye contact as she sips her drink.
It's her nervous tic. I noticed it the first time we met here. She barely made eye contact that day. It bummed me out because I wanted a better look at her eyes. I knew they were blue, but I didn't realize how much they resembled the warmth of a clear summer sky with the richness of a navy blue surrounding her irises.
"Good. You?"