Page 9 of Tangled Little Truths
I basically attacked her.I didn’t ask permission. I didn’t warn her. I barely even said hello.
None of that matters, though. She didn’t protest.
Well, not at first.
And even when she does, her voice betrays her. So does the look in her eyes. And the way she grips me tight even as her words are meant to push me away.
Which is why I don’t release my hold on her.
Why I don’t lean in close, but I also don’t take a step back as I patiently wait for her to say more. When she finally does, the urge to kiss her again overwhelms me, but I restrain myself.
“Why? Why’d you kiss me?”
“Which time?”
I could have just been honest with her. That I feel this incredible pull toward her. That I was overwhelmed seeing her here, waiting for me. That she looks beautiful today. Everyday.
But I didn’t want to shock her into silence because I love the sound of her voice. It seems I’ve done it anyway, though, judging by the look on her face.
“That day.”
Somehow, I knew that was going to be her answer. The problem is, I don’t really know why I kissed her other than the fact she had captured my attention. I was drawn to her. Overcome with desire. And when I saw her standing all alone under that tree, it was the first thought that came to mind. Like the wind was whispering in my ear, encouraging me to do it.
I’m notsure how Max managed to make it happen, but a last-minute concert is exactly what I needed tonight. The stress from the first few months of classes was starting to weigh on me. Add rushing the frat, even though I didn’t really want to, and my current financial struggle, and I feel like an elephant is sitting on me, weighing me down.
Music has always been what’s gotten me through the tough times. Nothing else matters when I’m on stage, in the zone. I let the music wash my worries away. At least for a little while.
“Sound check,” Nash grits out as he brushes past me.
He’s not happy. We voted on the last-minute gig, and he was against it. Normally, Ace takes his side, but tonight, he was itching to get back on stage as much as I was. It was only the second time since we formed the band they didn’t vote the same.
Which tells me just how desperate Ace is for an escape.
Neither of them are taking classes. Nash works as a bartender at a local chain restaurant. Ace details cars at a dealership.
The three of us went to high school together. Formed our first band in ninth grade with our friends Jasper and Ben. We never planned to do more than practice in Nash’s parents’ garage for fun. Until we were asked to play a few small gigs our senior year. That’s when the stress got the best of us. Everyone wanted to be in charge, causing a major rift, then we split after Nash and Jasper had a falling out.
When Ace and Nash decided they were going to follow me to Lake State after high school, it was a chance for a fresh start. To do it right this time. Where all parties had an equal vote. We were all in charge, no one opinion more important. Which is when we formed Fade Into Nothing.
And it’s been good so far.
Almost five months in, a handful of gigs, and we’ve not only avoided any major turmoil, but we’ve started to create a small following.
Which is why there’s already a crowd forming in front of the pavilion. It’s the perfect setting for an outdoor concert. There’s already a sound system and a small stage for us to set up.
Stepping up to the microphone, I scan the audience before giving it a tap. “Check, check.”
A few girls standing off to the side cheer loudly. When I look in their direction, it takes everything in me not to cringe.
They’re all Zeta pledges.
I have nothing against them personally. I’m just sick of hearing about them. Max has been bitching about the self-appointed leader of their little group of friends for weeks. He refuses to say why he doesn’t like her, which makes the situation even more annoying.
Speaking of Max.
“That’s my favorite song of yours,” he hollers.