Page 21 of No Ordinary Hate
“Is that okay with you, Liam?” I don’t want to offend him by suggesting he might be scared all by himself.
“I don’t see why she can’t sleep in her own bed.” My son scowls at his sister.
“How about if we pull your mattress into my room? I could use a big, strong man to protect me.”
Liam shoves his hands into his pockets and nods his head somberly. He looks like a college professor about to explain the fundamentals of time travel via wormholes. “I think that might be for the best, Mom.”
“It’s getting late,” I tell them. “You two go wash up and put your jammies on and then we can read a book together.”
“Why don’t we watch a TV show?” Lily asks.
“There’s no TV,” Liam reminds her.
“I forgot.” Her shoulders slump dejectedly.
“I brought along two decks of cards,” I tell them. “Who’s up for a righteous game of War?”
“I am!” they both yell.
While they roll their suitcases into their room, I go into the kitchen and open the refrigerator. There’s a fresh pint of cream and a half-gallon of milk. Rifling through the cabinets, I discover the coffee, filters, and a half dozen boxes of individually packaged cereal.
I don’t want to eat all our meals up at the lodge—Evie’s reaction was enough to remind me that even people up here will recognize me. I’ll have to ask Digger where there’s a store tomorrow.
Picking up my phone, I send Prisha a quick text.
Me:I think this trip is just what the doctor ordered.
Prisha:Do you have internet access up there?
Me:Up at the lodge. Is there something I need to see?
Me:What happened?!
Prisha:Brett and Justine aren’t exactly keeping a low profile.
Prisha:They’re behaving very lovey-dovey for the cameras.
Me:That son of a bitch. Why is he doing this? He can’t actually think it makes him look good.
Prisha:If I had to guess, I’d say he’s sending you a message.
Me:What message is that? That I’m an idiot and should have left him sooner?
Prisha:He wants you to see that he’s desirable and you made a mistake by filing for divorce.
Me:If that’s what he thinks, he’s delusional.
Prisha:No one ever accused Brett of having his finger on the pulse of reality.
Me:Let me know if anything earth shattering comes up. I’m going to stay as far away from the internet as I can.
Prisha:Give the babies a hug for me.