Page 28 of No Ordinary Hate
In a low voice I say, “So much for your great escape.”
I can tell she’s trying to be brave, even though she’s clearly on the verge of tears. Her vulnerability tugs at my heart. “We’re not going to let them win. I have a plan.”
“What’s that?” she asks, looking skeptical.
“I can get you three somewhere where no one will ever find you. It just depends on whether you’re willing to go.”
Her eyebrows fly up as Moira says, “That sounds kind of creepy, Digger. In a true crime kind of way.”
My face heats up with embarrassment and I shake my head quickly. “That came out wrong is all. There’s a fishing cabin I fly clients to sometimes. It’s not much, but you can stay up there until this all blows over.”
“You’re not talking about Thompson Lake, are you?” Moira wrinkles up her nose like she just got a big whiff of old fish.
“You got a better idea?” I ask her.
“Maybe we should just give up and go home,” Harper says, rubbing her forehead. “I don’t want to put you through a lot of trouble.”
I look over at her kids, who are both playing with the dough. “It’s no trouble. Jack and Evie can hold down the fort for a couple of days. Moira here can get the word out that you’ve left town, and we’ll be back before we know it.”
Harper chews her bottom lip for a second. “You’d stay with us? Why would you be willing to do that for me?”
I nod, feeling a strange urge to pull her into my arms and drop a kiss on her head. “It’s not just for you.”It totally is, but I’m not about to cop to that.“The last thing I need is for a bunch of reporters to be hiding in the bushes at the lodge. People come up here to get away from real life.”
“Right, yeah,” she says with a long sigh. “Of course, this is going to affect everyone.” She nods contemplatively. “Okay, we’ll do it.”
I don’t give any indication of how relieved I feel by her answer. Instead, I tell her, “The first step is to sneak you all back to the lodge. The quicker we get out of here, the better.”
“Where are we going?” Liam asks, coming to stand next to his mom’s side.
“There’s a little fishing cabin up the mountain,” I tell him. “I thought you and Lily might like to see it.”
He looks up at Harper. “It’s because of those reporters, isn’t it?”
She nods, doing her best not to look worried. “But it’s mostly about us having our great Alaska adventure.”
“Can we come?” Wyatt asks, looking excited.
“No,” Moira tells him. “Uncle Digger will take you another time.”
“Aww, Mom, but I love it up there, and it’s summer and you promised to take us on a trip and we haven’t gone anywhere,” Wyatt tells her.
I’m just about to tell him no when Harper looks at Moira and shrugs. “Honestly, it’s okay with me.”
“You sure you wantfivekids to watch after, way out in the bush?” Moira asks, planting one hand on her hip.
Harper smiles at her. “It’ll be a lot of fun for my two. Plus, keeping busy is the best way to get your mind off your troubles, isn’t it?”
Moira looks at me. “If you’re sure it’s okay. Having the house to myself for a couple of nights sounds like heaven on earth.”
I tell the kids, “All right, boys, head home and get your camping gear and some clothes. We’ll pick you up once we get Harper and her kids packed.”
And just like that, I’m about to head into seclusion with someone I instinctively know I should not let myself get any closer to.
Dear Readers,