Page 48 of No Ordinary Hate
Ferris Biltmore
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I’m guessing Digger knew about Brett and he was trying to warn me down at the dock. I wish I’d let him talk. Any warning would have been better than the shock I got.
After a very uncomfortable breakfast, we say goodbye to Digger and his nephews. Brett walks with us to our cabin. “Let’s get you all packed up and checked out, then I’ll show you how to take a real vacation.”
The kids run up ahead of us, happily smacking at branches along the path. They’re clearly thrilled to have their dad here.
“Where’s Justine?” I ask Brett.
“I left her in Hawaii.” He shrugs his shoulders. “She’s probably still there.”
“You should be there, too.”
“Harp, I miss you and the kids so much, I couldn’t be away from you for another minute.”
My husband has become the ultimate fist magnet. Every lie that comes out of his mouth makes me want to punch him.
“Don’t even,” I say, while screwing up my face into a look of pure disgust.
“It’s true. I’m meant to be with you. We belong together.” He slouches in an “aw shucks” kind of way that is exactly the kind of overacting he’s known for.
“How did you even know where we were?” The only people I told were Prisha and Ethan. Brett is the last person they’d say anything to.
“You used the agency plane, Harper. Surely you don’t think they wouldn’t tell me.”
“So, you left your girlfriend in paradise to come see your children? Forgive me for not believing that.” Never in our marriage has Brett put anyone above himself.
“Justine is not my girlfriend.”
“My mistake,” I say snidely. “The woman you’re having sex with then.”
“It’s over between us, Harp. It was over between us when you … that is to say … when yousawus together.”
He must think I’m a complete idiot. “It was so over that you took her to Hawaii?”
“In my heart it was. I just … I don’t know, freaked out because you kicked me out. I was upset about the possibility of losing my family.”
“And the logical choice was to take the nanny on a very public tropical vacay to paradise?”
Brett lets out a deep sigh. “I was out of my mind. I know that now. I’m so sorry, Harper. You can’t imagine how torn up I am inside.” He kicks his foot in the dirt and hangs his head so low it looks like he’s trying to kiss his collar bone. I’m not buying it.
“Save it for the gullible woman, Brett. I’m through believing anything you have to say.” I jog up ahead to be with the kids. Happily, for once, he seems to take the hint and doesn’t try to catch up.
Once we get to the cabin, the kids rush in and excitedly start to pack their things. Brett follows behind. “How in the world have you managed up here? This place is depressing.”
Ignoring him, I go into the kids’ room and help them pack. The entire time, I keep my game face on, even though I’m dying inside. The very last thing I want to do is to be apart from them. Especially not after the scare I had this morning. But going with them now will only confuse them about what the future holds, and there’s no way I can do that to them. The sooner they realize their dad and I live apart, the better.
“I can do this myself, Mom,” Liam says, staring at me intently. “Shouldn’t you be packing your stuff?”
And there it is, he’s testing to see if I’m coming or not. He looks so serious that it breaks my heart.
Shaking my head, I tell him, “No, I think it’s best if I stay here and let you have some time just with your dad.”