Page 63 of No Ordinary Hate
Harper wipes fresh tears from the tops of her cheeks. “It’s so much harder than I thought it would be.” Taking a deep breath, she adds, “I’m just so glad you’re both here.”
“There is no other place either of us wants to be,” Ethan tells her.
“Except maybe back home having this conversation,” Prisha adds, slapping at a mosquito on her neck.
Feeling utterly out of place and unneeded now that Harper has her team here, I say, “Well, I’ll let you get to it. How about if I send Evie down with some supper for you in a couple of hours?”
Harper offers me a polite but detached smile that I can’t help feeling bothered by. “That would be lovely. Thank you, Digger.”
And…I feel very much dismissed. “No problem. That’s what I’m here for.”
I turn and make my way back to the lodge, wondering if Harper’s attitude is a sign that the woman I’ve come to know has disappeared behind her Hollywood façade.
Dear Readers,
I have word from the land of the midnight sun. Harper Kennedy’s team is rallying around her for a good old-fashioned planning sesh. Prisha Choudree and Ethan Cohen have boarded a plane and flown to rescue our heroine. It’s likeWonder Pets!, Hollywood style.
I can only assume plans are being planned and decisions are being decided. So long as the bugs I planted in their suitcases keep working, I’ll have dish to end all dish very soon.
In the meantime, the Maoris are coming to Venice for their annual massage tour. I’ve signed up with Poppa Joe for a full two hours of abuse. But my chakras will be aligned, and my chi fully charged, so I’ll be in top form to bring you every juicy detail of the Harper files.
Love and Dish,
Ferris Biltmore
* * *
“So, what’s with Paul Bunyan, anyway?” Ethan asks as I hand him another bottle of beer.
“Paul Bunyan?” I can’t help but laugh at his comparison. “Digger is the owner here. He’s been a good friend to me and the kids.”
“He’s hot,” Prisha says while kicking off her shoes.
“I didn’t think he was your type, Prish,” Ethan interjects grumpily.
“Dude, just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I’m blind. That man looks like he was built to please.”
I burst out laughing as my cheeks heat up at the thought. Ethan just looks annoyed.
“I’m guessing Sheila wouldn’t like hearing you talk like that,” he tells her.
Prisha scoffs. “Don’t forget, my wife was married to a man for ten years. While she’s not a huge fan of the lesser half of the species in a romantic sense, she’s not a hater.”
“Anyway.” I try to shift their focus back to the problem at hand. “Tell me more about Helioman and how Brett is in trouble.”
“InHelioman/Midnight Run, Helioman falls in love with Rocketgirl and they get married,” Ethan says. “The studio can’t have the real life Helioman walking out on his own wife. It wouldn’t sell to the fans.”
“Galaxy has postponed the signing of Brett's contract, hoping he’ll get his act together,” Prisha adds. “Loosely translated, ‘Get back together with your wife and family and we’ll talk.’”
“His team has tried everything to get Galaxy to reconsider, but unless he can put this PR nightmare to bed, they’re not budging,” Prisha adds. “It turns out the American public isn’t a big fan of his running off with his kids’ nanny. Brett’s people even reached out to me with an offer.”
“Get this, they’re willing to pay you an advance on his contract if you’ll agree to make a joint statement saying you’re very much in love and committed to staying together for your family. They also want you to assure the public that Brett has never hit you.”