Page 6 of A Hate Like This
“I suppose.” I don’t sound like I’m selling it. Harper shoots me a questioning look, so I explain, “I go around just being myself all the time and I still have idiots like Sissy Sinclair thinking that I’m sleeping with her husband.”
“Ew. Not that Travis is particularly gross or anything, but you’re no cheat.”
“Word on the street is that I’m looking for a new husband, and apparently, I’m not opposed to poaching him out from under someone else. Sometimes Ihatesmall town life.”
“Have youeverconsidered getting married again?” She’s trying to act all innocent as she purposely avoids eye contact
“You’re starting to sound like Digger.”
“I just want you to have someone to share your life with.” Clearing her throat, she adds, “Did I mention that my friend Ethan is arriving today?”
“About forty-seven times,” I tell her grumpily.
“You two seemed to hit it off last year when he and Prisha rented rooms at your house.”
“You’re as subtle as a sledgehammer, Harper. I barely spoke to the guy, and let’s not forget that he lives in California. I’m not about to get involved in a long-distance relationship. I barely have time to floss these days. There’s no way I’m going to fly across the country for a booty call.”
“He’ll be in town for six months. He’s renting the place right up the hill.” Happy couples have got to learn how to reel it in a bit. Her eyes are sparkling like she just got hit with a glitter bomb.
“And then he’s going home,” I tell her. “No, thank you.” I take a long sip of my iced tea. “Just because you and Digger are over the moon in love doesn’t mean everyone has to be.”
She sighs. “I was in an unhappy marriage for years. But if I could find love again, so can you.” She wipes her mouth with a paper napkin before adding, “I also know what it’s like for people to be up in my business like an intestinal worm, so I won’t say another thing about it.”
“Thank you. I’m not saying I’ll never date again, but it’s going to be a long time before I have any interest in that kind of thing. Currently, I’m more invested in finding someone to teach the boys how to mow the lawn. Between the three of them, they’re always leaving big hairy patches behind.”
Harper laughs. “Speaking of your boys, how about if I go get them now? Lily and Liam want to show them a new fishing spot they found.”
“They would love that more than anything. And thanks for taking them off my hands tonight. I’ve got a book with my name on it.” I don’t mention that it’s a spicy romance novel. No sense stirring the pot.
I pull into Gamble just after two in the afternoon, which is impressive considering how far I’ve come since I woke up this morning. I feel like Tom Cruise in that old movieJerry Maguire—the part when he’s in his car singing “Free Fallin’.” For the first time in my adult life, I’m truly free. My time is my own, and I’m going to make the most of it.
Grinning, I slow down and take in the familiar sights of Gamble’s “downtown.” All four-square blocks of it. The SUV I rented is already covered in a thick layer of dust, which I’m guessing makes washing it superfluous. In LA, I have my car cleaned every week to keep it shiny.Clearly I think I’m a Kardashian or something.
I’m as hungry as my mom on the third day of a juice cleanse. After pulling into The Diner, I get out and stretch my legs while the warm Alaska sun beats down on my skin. Taking a deep breath, I inhale the fresh, clean air. Gamble is close enough to the ocean to be scented with salt water, but there’s also a hint of pine. Where I’m standing, the delectable aroma of real home-cooked diner food mixes in. My stomach growls loudly in response.
The bell rings when I open the door. After stepping inside, my eyes land directly on Moira Bishop, the owner and operator of The Diner. Moira is also a single mom to three rowdy boys, and a slew of pets that she regularly threatens with rehoming. She put Prisha and me up at her house for a few nights last year when we were here to help Harper navigate her nasty break-up with Brett (aka worst human being in Hollywood—which is really saying something).
I thought I would hate staying there, but it turned out to be a lot more fun than I expected. I even played touch football with Moira’s boys in their backyard a couple of times, which made me feel like a kid again.
The aforementioned diner owner’s back is currently toward me as she scrubs something off an empty booth. She calls out, “Come on in!” I can’t help but stare as her hips shift with the force of her work. If I were a different sort of guy, I’d try to make something happen with her. But I’m no Brett Kennedy. I have morals, one of which is you don’t take advantage of a single mom, no matter how pretty her smile is, or how good you think her body might feel against yours. The last thing she needs is some jerk who’s hoping to love her and leave her.
When she turns around and sees me, her face lights up. “Ethan! Harper told me you were arriving today. I didn’t think I’d see you so soon.”
“The smell of whatever you’re cooking caused me to pull over on the spot.” I forgot how blue her eyes are. They’re like the Pacific on a clear day.
“Today’s special was grilled meatloaf sandwiches, but sadly, we’re all sold out. Might I suggest a classic bacon cheeseburger with fries?”
“You had me at bacon.”
Chuckling, Moira says, “Sit wherever you’d like. I’ll holler at Lloyd to rustle you up a burger. What can I get you to drink?”
“I’d love an ice water, thank you.”
“You betcha.” She disappears into the kitchen.