Page 60 of A Hate Like This
“He’s one of the good ones,” I tell him.Kind of like you.
After Ethan drives off, I throw myself into getting ready for our trip. I fly around like a whirling dervish, so I won’t have time to think about how nervous I am. It works. By the time I’m done doing laundry, packing, and making sure the house is in order, I can barely keep my eyes open. If I fall asleep right away, I’ll get seven hours, which is perfect for me.
The only trouble is that once I crawl into bed, my brain wakes up like I’ve just drunk a pot of coffee. I imagine all kinds of horrific scenarios that keep me from getting any decent rest. Before I know it, my alarm is ringing, and the big day is here.
Today I’ll finally get to see what Ethan’s real life is like. I’m terrified I’m going to discover what I already know—that there’s no place I could possibly fit in it.
I’m bursting with excitement as I pack my overnight bag. I’m not going to bother taking my Alaska clothes back to LA with me, not when I have a closetful at home.
I can’t wait to show Moira and the boys everything LA has to offer—Disneyland and the Dodgers are only a fraction of what I want them to see. I want Moira to discover there’s a new future for them—a life where she doesn’t have to work another day, unless she wants to. A life of opportunities and the best schools for the boys.
I know I’m talking big talk for someone who’s only known her a short time, but I feel strongly that the older you get, the less time you need to know if someone is right for you. And just because I once thought Paige was right for me doesn’t mean that there isn’t another woman out there for me.
Even if my writing career doesn’t work out and I have to go back to practicing law, I wouldn’t mind so long as I have Moira and the boys to come home to every night. It would all be worth it because my career wouldn’t be the only thing I had. It would just be the thing I did to make life easier for the people I love. I haven’t told Moira that I love her yet, because I know how skittish she is, but I’m hoping to show her while we’re in California.
Later, when I crawl into bed, I envision us married, raising the boys together. We’d be a real family and do all the things families do, from bowling on Friday nights to taking vacations all over the world. Moira and I would sit next to each other at all the kids’ sporting and music events, we’d go to parent-teacher conferences, and help with homework at the kitchen table.
I imagine taking the four of them to movie premieres and teaching them how to surf.
With laser focus, I see Moira walking down the aisle to stand with me under the chuppah, where we’ll pledge our lives to each other. She will be a spectacularly beautiful bride. Suddenly, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is what I want. That’s why this trip is so important. I need Moira to see how perfect we are together and what an amazing life we could build.
I’m going to show her the magical side of LA and when the time is right, I’ll propose. Who knows, if things go as well as I hope, we might even be engaged by the time we come home.
I never do fall into a deep sleep, and finally decide to just get up. After taking a quick shower, I make some toast and drink the better part of a pot of coffee.
As soon as I get to the dock, I discover that Moira and the boys are already there. They all rush me and start talking at once.
Laughing, I say, “Okay, guys, one at a time so I can hear you.”
“This is my first plane ride ever,” Colton says.
“Is not,” Ash tells him. “We go on Uncle Digger’s plane all the time.”
“I meant abigplane, you goof,” Colton says. “Are they going to serve us food? Mom says they don’t do big meals anymore, but I’m going to get hungry.”
“They’ll serve something small, but if you want, we can pick up some sandwiches before we get to the gate.”
“Do you have a pool?” Ash asks. “Mom said she wasn’t sure if you had one, but you probably do because most rich people in Hollywood have them.”
“You’re not supposed to say he’s rich,” Wyatt mutters, rolling his eyes.
“Why not? Doesn’t he know?” Ash asks.
“It’s considered rude,” Moira interjects sternly. Looking at me, she says, “Sorry about that.”
“No problem,” I tell her with a wink. Then I answer Ash. “I do have a swimming pool and you boys are welcome to use it, but only when there’s an adult there to watch you.”
Ash and Colton high five each other and say, “YES!” in unison.
“Are any of your famous friends going to come over while we’re there?” Ash wants to know. “Also, do you know The Rock? Because I really want to meet The Rock.”
The boys continue to chatter away as we walk down to the dock to where Digger is waiting next to the float plane. “Okay, everybody, load up,” Moira says, already looking exasperated.
The kids clamber into the cabin while I help Digger put the luggage in the cargo compartment. Moira sighs and shakes her head. “You sure you still want to do this?”