Page 86 of Due North
Kyland and I look at each other over the women’s heads. He doesn’t look happier about any of this than I am. He shrugs his shoulders slightly to tell me he has no idea what the woman is doing out here.
I reach for Tasha and jerk her away. “Who are you?” I demand. The woman shrinks under my deadly gaze.
“Stop that.” Tasha shoves at my chest. “This is Lydia, of the Sovereign Pack.”
That explanation does nothing to put me at ease.
“The same Sovereign Pack that abandoned you and left you to fend for yourself against any number of dangers?” I growl.
Lydia pales. “I didn’t know,” she whispers softly.
“Right.” I scoff.
“Alpha Waverly…” Lydia clears her throat and corrects herself. “Waverly was so jealous, but we chalked it up to something she would eventually get over. Then she started talking aboutdestroyingyou.” She looks at Tasha apologetically, tears welling in her eyes. “I swear I didn’t know she was talking to humans about our land. I guess she decided if she couldn’t have power among the shifters, she would be happy with money from the humans.
“But she didn’t get a dime, Tasha. She sent us away, but I guess something went wrong because then she followed after us. She tried to convince us all to take you down. It was crazy, she wasn’t rational. No one was willing to go after the Luna Sovereign with her, so she disbanded us and told us to fend for ourselves.”
I’m going to take great joy in draining the life out of Waverly when I get my fucking hands on her.
“Why would you come back? It isn’t safe here.” Tasha really has the nerve to act worried about the other woman over herself. Every second we stand out here in the open, we’re asking for trouble.
And I’m still not convinced this isn’t a trap.
“I had to come back, Tasha. The Sovereign Pack is my life. I took a vow to protect you, and I can’t turn my back on that now.” Her chin juts out like she’s trying to look more confident than she really is.
I’d respect that if it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t trust her.
“Right now, the Anchorage Lake Pack has taken over the Sovereign Pack’s duties.” Tasha nods to Kyland. “And that’s how it will remain until the current dangers have passed and we have a handle on this whole situation. I like you, Lydia, but I won’t risk all of our kind to trust you.”
“I understand.” The woman’s face falls.
“I also don’t want to leave you unprotected.” Tasha looks at me. “Paxton, what are our options?”
“She can stay with me,” Kyland pipes up.
We all turn to stare at him as he clears his throat.
“I don’t stay on pack land, so she wouldn’t be putting the pack at risk if she stays with me.” He glances at her. “If you don’t mind camping, that is. I don’t have a permanent residence. So it’s a tent or the car if you’re with me.”
She hesitates before she nods. “Thank you,” she tells him quietly.
Tasha and I exchange a look.What do you think?she asks.
If you want to make sure she’s safe without putting yourself in danger, he’s probably your best bet. Dominic and Tess seem to trust him, but he doesn’t rank high enough in the pack to be a major target himself.
Look at you considering the pack.Her eyes dance with amusement. I know it pleases her, and that pleases me.
“Okay, Lydia, you’ll stay with Kyland for now. Now, can we get back in the cars, please, before we wind up in an ambush?”
Lydia jumps to follow Tasha’s wishes, making me think she might not be hopeless after all. If her loyalty to the Luna Sovereign really did bring her back, I’ll give Lydia anything she wants to help keep my mate safe. She’ll have to prove herself first, though.
We all pile back into the two cars just in time for Dominic and Tess to pull in behind us. The phone starts ringing in the cup holder between us immediately, and Tasha picks it up.
“Hey, we’re okay.” She hums. “Kyland picked up one of the members of the Sovereign Pack that Waverly abandoned. He’ll keep an eye on her until we get things sorted out.” There’s a hesitation before Tasha answers, “Yes, I’m sure. It’s the right thing to do.”
She says goodbye to her sister then hangs up and leans closer to me.
“Do you think I made the right choice?” she asks, voice subdued.