Page 10 of Ascension
“Nice to meet you, Kali. I’m Olivia.” I smile over at her.
“I can’t wait for my boyfriend to see me in this,” Katrina interjects, focusing the attention back on her once more as she squeals, and spins around.
“Tell me more about your boyfriend.”
“I thought you’d never ask.” She giggles, coming over to us. Out of the corner of my eye I see Kali’s face pale. Brushing it off, I look back to Katrina.
“I met him on my first day here. He’s so handsome and funny. He always has these snarky one-liners. He’s one of the gods that are recruiting this year. There are four of them.” She adds as a side note filling me in on what most students must already know. I chew the corner of my lip, nervous about what she may say next.
“It’s seriously a dream come true. There was an instant connection the moment I saw him. He’s been so busy lately, spending all of his time going to the mortal plane helping our future classmates.” She sighs wistfully, a dreamy look in her eyes as she stares off, lost in her thoughts. I clench my fists, tension running through my body as I put off asking the question I’m dreading the answer to. I glance over at Kali, her gaze darting around the store, looking anywhere other than Katrina.
“When I find the bitch that had her hands all over my man, I will make her life a living hell.” She glowers, a dark look passing over her features. Her sharp gaze contrasting the light, airy dress she still wears.
“How long have you been together?” I ask carefully, trying to get as much information without outright asking her.
“Oh, it’s all still so new. We’re still in the honeymoon phase if you know what I mean.” She winks salaciously, giggling, her demeanor completely changing. A knot forms in my stomach, not knowing why I have such mixed feelings. Anger and jealousy cloud my vision as I imagine her and Adrian. I shake my head, trying to think logically. She never did say his name, I think naively. Besides, it was only meant to be a one-time thing with him, a quick hook-up at the bar on my birthday. Except I keep seeing his stupid sexy smirk, hearing his deep chuckle in my mind.
Wait, no, not in my mind. Adrian’s thick, sculpted arm drapes around my shoulder, his chest pressing against my back. His crystal blue eyes meet my sea-green ones in the mirror before they roam down my reflection appreciatively, pausing at each of my curves.
“You are definitely getting this. You look delicious, angel,” he purrs, teeth nipping my ear before he eases away grinning ear to ear at the soft moan I release. I bite my lip, forgetting about the public place we are in for a moment before realization hits me.
My eyes dart to Katrina, gauging her reaction to see if my fears were correct.
“You, you,” she sputters, temporarily lost for words, as her glare moves from me to Adrian and back again.
“You slut,” she seethes, starting towards me with her hands outstretched. I hurriedly look around for something to throw at her to keep her at bay, wishing I had kept my heels.
Suddenly, a shimmering wall of light shoots up in front of Katrina. Not able to stop her momentum in time, she plows into it, face-smashing into the magical barrier. I hear a giggle escape, Kali, as Katrina’s face is smushed against the wall.
“New friend?” Adrian asks, quirking an eyebrow as he stares at Katrina, a frown turning down his plush lips. I look from him to her. He stares at her with a look of disdain. No fondness or recognition in his gaze. She finally straightens, rubbing her cheek, before her glare falls on me once more.
“Well, I believe she was just about to tell us that you’re her mysterious boyfriend.” I prop my hand on my hip, cocking my eyebrow, lips pulling tight, as I wait for an explanation. He scoffs, laughing as he looks from me to her. His eyes settle back on mine, brow furrowing in confusion as he takes in my unwavering stare.
“You’re serious?” he questions, looking at me like I’m about to shout, ‘You’ve been punked’. Except, he apparently has never seen that show. I tilt my head, my hard look unwavering, still waiting for his answer.
“I have no clue who she even is.” His brow furrows, and his eyes narrow as he turns his gaze towards Katrina. I turn towards her too, leveling her with a questioning look. She bites her lip, rubbing her arm while avoiding our stares. A blush reddening her other cheek now.
“I’m Katrina. You brought me to the academy.” She briefly meets his eyes before gazing back down at her shoes.
“Doesn’t ring a bell. I bring hundreds of students from the mortal realm. I don’t get how that makes me your boyfriend.” He crosses his arms, eyes narrowing at her as she squirms, not liking the attention now.
He glances back at me, eyes softening a bit. “I have to talk with Cora for a bit. I’ll be right back. I hope that clears things up.” His eyes lock on mine, waiting for my response. I relax, nodding at him, and my lips tug up into a small smile. He breathes a sigh of relief before making his way to the back room, the door thudding closed behind him.
Katrina clears her throat, pulling my gaze back to her. Her earlier embarrassment erased, she stands tall, sneering at me, eyes lowering into a glare. “You may think you have the upper hand now, but just wait.”
I frown at her words, shaking my head in disbelief. “Is there someone I can call for you?” I ask her now, apparently in a generous mood today. I would feel bad giving her back the same attitude, given the unfortunate display that just transpired. “Someone that can help you see reality?” I cringe as the words leave my mouth, not wanting to offend her but also wanting her to get the help she desperately needs.
Her fists ball, tension clear in her posture, and her eyes hurl daggers at me, redness spreading across her chest and up her neck to match her face.
“I guess you can’t help everyone.” I shrug, glancing over at Kali. She meets my eyes, hand clasped over her mouth as she struggles to keep her composure. My eyes dart back to Katrina as a growling noise comes from her lips, eyes bulging. I choke back a laugh, not wanting to antagonize her even further, because I mean, come on, she’s already been embarrassed enough for one day.
“I’ll make your life a living hell,” she snarls at me as the back door opens. Adrian and Cora come out just in time to witness Katrina stomp off, throwing random unintelligible words back at us.
Cora frantically passes a large dressing bag to Adrian and takes off after Katrina, her clipboard and measuring tape flying after her.
“Come back here! You haven’t paid for that,” she calls after Katrina. My eyes are glued to the exchange. Her tape wraps around Katrina, winding around her arms, pulling her to a stop just outside the store. She tries to wriggle free of the constraining tape in vain, managing to look like a wild animal just lassoed by a cowboy. Unable to stop the laughter this time, I double over. Adrian and Kali join in as Cora catches up to her, scolding her as she wriggles around on the floor. Students stop to stare around the promenade, some pulling out their phones, taking pictures and videos of the scene. Obviously, some phones work here. I need to ask Adrian as soon as we’re done. I turn away as Katrina finally stops, allowing Cora to remove the tape around her.
“That was definitely entertaining.” Kali giggles, pulling my gaze from the scene outside.