Page 25 of Ascension
Other students stream through the still open door as I make my way up to the classroom. A short brunette girl holds the door open for me and I thank her as we pass through. I spot Kali and Domenic already sitting towards the back of the classroom again. Thankfully the mean girl crew isn’t in attendance for this class.
The schedule said meditation, and I definitely wouldn’t be able to relax and learn breathing techniques with their faces sneering over at me. The classroom is set up differently than the last. With chairs arranged in a circle without a desk in front of them. I wave to them in greeting before taking the seat saved for me.
“I’ll say it again, this place definitely wasn’t as interesting without you.” Domenic chuckles and Kali just stares at me with her mouth agape, eyes wide in shock.
“That just happened, right? I wasn’t just having a very realistic, vivid dream?” she asks, blinking her wide eyes over to me in question.
“You mean the dramatic dagger throwing? Yup, that actually happened, unfortunately,” I chirp back, shaking my head. “How did this become my life?” I lament rhetorically, dramatically putting my face into my hands.
“I’m not sure, but it sure is entertaining to witness,” Domenic quips, letting a small chuckle escape. I purse my lips, shaking my head at him. He wouldn’t find it entertaining if all of this were happening to him.
Before I can respond, a man in a long white toga enters the room, looking like the epitome of what I would imagine an ancient god to look like, his long blonde hair flowing behind him in a wave. He strides confidently to the center of the circle. Sitting on the floor before crossing his legs and closing his eyes. A look of deep concentration etches a crease between his brows.
A lulling melody plays, and I look around, trying to find the speakers where the sound may be coming from. Unable to find the source, I glance over at my new friends, cocking an eyebrow in question before gesturing to the toga man.
“You.” His voice booms, echoing across the room. His finger raises to point straight at me. “On the floor,” he commands before lowering his finger, arms resting serenely on his thighs.
My eyes widen, not sure how he saw me motioning to him with his eyes closed. Shaking off my shock, I join him on the floor, sitting before him and crossing my legs.
“Your energy is closed off. You are very stressed. Close your eyes and follow my instructions.” His words are curt, while his tone is soft and relaxing. Such a contradictory combination, but it seems to work for him. I close my eyes, a bit unsure of doing this in a room full of strangers.
“Lift your arms and shake them out, allowing your energy to roll off you in waves. Relax your muscles and let your stress evaporate.”
I try to push how ridiculous I must look out of my mind. Instead, focusing on his words and raising my arms. I shake them out, flapping them like limp noodles in an attempt to focus on nothing but my movements. Imagining the stress and anxiety of the last day and a half rolling off of me in waves.
“Very good.” He speaks softly. I don’t dare open my eyes to see if he had been watching my movements or if he was using whatever power had allowed him to sense me in the first place.
“Now feel your breaths filling your lungs and being pushed out. Breathe naturally at this moment with that weight of anxiety lifting from your chest. Notice how your shoulders move up and down with each breath. Your chest rising and falling. Empty your mind of all else except your body’s movements from your natural breaths.”
I do as he instructs, allowing my mind to empty as I breathe naturally. Focusing on the feeling of my chest rising and falling. He must motion the rest of the class to join us as I feel the other students’ energies lowering to our level on the floor. The plush carpet beneath us, rather than the hard floors found everywhere else in this academy, helps us to focus.
The stress and anxiety from the past day roll off me, allowing me to center myself, keeping my thoughts clear.
“On your next exhale, open your eyes, keeping that sense of peace and tranquility with you.” I open my eyes, seeing all the other students seated around us, forming a circle. I cling to the vestiges of that peace as he instructed, not allowing it to float away and bring back all the stress that just rolled off me in waves.
“Good morning everyone, I am Professor Pallas, and I will be instructing you in meditation this semester,” he introduces himself, smiling wide. His gaze encompasses the entire class.
“This may not seem like an important class right now, but this will be your most important tool in first controlling your powers. The more control one has over their own mind and thoughts, the more control they will have over their powers once the blocks are removed.”
I think back to the way I felt before, compared to now. Noticing the vast difference in my level of stress.
“If you cannot master your mind, your powers will remain out of your control. They will be guided by your emotions. Raging like a fire when you feel anger and freezing in your veins when you feel fear.”
I nod in understanding. I would not have understood his words if I had not just experienced the shift in my emotions and energy just now.
“This is just the steppingstone to your journey through meditation. We will work on keeping your mind at ease for longer periods and more complex meditation methods. I care about your health and wellbeing. I will not pass any student who does not put in the effort or cannot control themselves and their thoughts. You will get as much out of this class as you put forth.”
I look around the room. My fellow students look just as I feel, relaxed and understanding—none skeptical of the class any longer.
“You will not be perfect at this right away. Some inherently carry more stress than others. Some may need to practice more rigorously than their peers. If you practice every day and pay attention to our lessons in class, I promise you that you will learn the necessary control to master your powers.” I exhale a sigh of relief, the worry of controlling my powers still sticking on the backburner in my mind since Adrian began unlocking my power. Finally, I feel hope and reassurance that I will be able to control my abilities and master them.
The class continues and Professor Pallas leads us through different breathing techniques designed for when you cannot meditate. We finish off with a more extended meditation session. Bringing calmness back to my mind before the bell chimes to signal the end of class. The faces of every student walking out are brighter, and their bodies lighter. I hold back, watching the students file out around me. Laughing and carrying easy conversations while they walk into the hallway.
“Thank you,” I say, my eyes soft with sincerity at the professor as he stands from his place on the floor. He takes my hand into his, clasping them tightly before nodding to me politely, accepting my thanks.
“I feel like you will need this training more than most. Please do not let this world get to you. I am always here for coaching if the stress of this new world gets too much.” He inclines his head, hands falling from mine before he turns and walks from the classroom without another word.
I walk out to the hallway, stunned. My eyes blink from the sudden onslaught of raised voices and echoing footsteps, breaking the sense of calmness that had settled over me in class. I pick up my pace, quickly catching up with Kali and Domenic, and we make our way to the dining hall for lunch.