Page 45 of Ascension
“Over here fucker,” I taunt. His clawed hand reaches up to inspect his head. A gaping wound now splits his skin and green sticky liquid runs down his neck. His claws swipe over the liquid, bringing it in front of him to investigate. He clenches his fists in anger at the sight and spins around, eyes colliding with mine.
I smirk at him, shoving down my fear, assessing his cold dead eyes. They narrow on me, glimmering with rage, yet I can still see a hint of amusement. Having piqued his interest in this dangerous game once more. My eyes locked on his.
I don’t even notice the crystal flying through the air until it hits his cheek. The sharp edge scraping against the scaled skin there. Leaving a shallow dent across his face. I quickly throw another object, not wanting to let him advance on my classmate. The book flies across the room, planting squarely in his stomach, making him double over with the force.
I glance to the right to find the source of the crystal. Kali stands beside me, a pile of objects laid across her desk as well. She gives me a small smile before launching another item at him.
I push away my surprise, not allowing it to distract me, and ready another object to chuck at him as he dodges Kali’s. A deep growl reverberates from his chest, his irritation growing at the turn of events.
He moves a hand upwards, sending a gust of wind shooting back at us. Kali and I lose our balance, the air catching us off guard. I’m lifted off my feet, crashing to the ground in a heap against the shelves and Kali follows a moment later.
“You’ll have your turn. I want to take my time with you.” His voice leaves his lips in a rush, the sound like nails scratching on a chalkboard.
I hunch over, coughing in an attempt to fill my lungs with the air his gust of wind knocked out of them. He walks back towards the male once more, so I hastily clamber to my feet.
I kick off my heels, gritting my teeth in determination before I barrel down the aisle towards the creature. Building up as much speed as I can. With his back still towards me, he doesn’t notice my movements.
I angle my shoulder towards him, bracing for the impact as my body crashes into him. His sticky, oozing green blood coats my shoulder. His body follows my momentum, sending us both crashing to the ground.
“Liv,” Kali cries out in anguish. Her voice sounds muffled from the impact of my head crashing off the creature’s hard-scaled body. I scramble away from him, attempting to get as far as possible before he rights himself. My body shudders, pain coursing through my bones.
Unfortunately, it takes me longer to recover from the impact as the beast brings himself to his feet. Excitement lights up his eyes when they lock on to mine and he reaches for me but I attempt to scramble away, knowing the movement is futile. My body is still recovering from the impact that seemingly had little effect on him.
His clawed hand wraps around my arm, the sharp talons scraping along my skin. I grit my teeth, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry out in pain. He yanks me up, my feet barely catching under me, and the room blurs around me. I’m clearly still dizzy from the crash.
I yank my arm, attempting to wrench it from his grasp. Despite my efforts, his grip doesn’t falter, and he tightens his claws, their sharp edges biting into my skin. He grins, maniacal delight glinting in his eyes at the hiss of pain that escapes my lips, and raises my arm, entranced by the blood now running down to my elbow in rivulets.
I writhe in his grasp in a desperate attempt to put some space between us. Despite my struggle, he merely chuckles, lowering his face to close the distance. His nostrils flare, and his eyes fall shut for a moment as though intoxicated, as he inhales the scent of my fallen blood.
My stomach roils, nausea washing over me at the display but I grit my teeth against it, refusing to give him the satisfaction. I plant my feet firmly on the floor, head-clearing slightly, and prepare my next defense, waiting for him to slip up or loosen his grip. His grin slowly drops from his face, beady eyes blinking open in shock. He stiffens, and I spot a glimmer of fear as his eyes meet mine.
The fear quickly vanishes, that wicked grin cutting across his face once more. I freeze, terror striking me at that quick change. I feel the blood drain from my face, a chill gripping me in place as my brain finally registers his hot putrid breath brushing against my cheek. The smell burning my nostrils.
The fear and shock must be evident since his grin only grows wider. “My master will have so much fun with you,” he hisses in my ear, voice pitched low so only I can hear. Chills rush down my spine.
I really don’t want to come face to face with whatever creature is evil enough to be this thing’s master. I renew my struggle against his grip at this thought, deciding a little pain now is better than meeting whatever monster he wants to take me to.
His eyes narrow on me, the amusement fleeing his gaze. I lash out with my other arm, swinging at his face, still lowered in front of mine. He catches it in his clawed grip before I make contact.
I blindly kick out with my feet, alternating between stomping on his feet and kicking his shins. He bares his teeth, gripping my arms tighter as he steps back. Moving me, despite my desperate thrashing, back towards the door. The thick black smoke reappears, swirling around us, binding me to his side on its path up to our bodies.
Objects fly around the room out of my peripheral. Chancing a glance back, I see Kali struggling to escape Domenic’s hold. His large arms are bound around her waist, yet she still manages to launch items across the room in a desperate attempt to distract the creature. The rest of the students are either sobbing in fear or frozen in shock. Either way, unmoving, and unwilling to help me.
We jerk to a halt, and I whip my gaze back to him, hoping he won’t retaliate on Kali for her attempt to help me. Instead of the cold fury I expect to see on the monster’s face, his features stay frozen, beady eyes wide in shock. My brows furrow, scanning him as his grip on me slackens. Not wanting to waste the one opportunity I may have, I stumble back out of his hold.
Only then do I register his mouth gasping desperately for air, see the engorged veins protruding from his thick neck. I take another cautious step back, still wary this may all be some sort of trap, when his skin begins to crack. Large crevices fracture his scaled skin as though his body is dehydrating.
Chunks of his dry scaled skin slough off his body, crumbling on contact with the hard marble floor. His body disintegrates before me, collapsing in on itself. Until it’s a mere pile of discarded scales and bones. I shield my face with my hands, rushing back to avoid inhaling the creature’s ashes billowing up from its decaying corpse.
The screams and sobs filling the air around me come to an abrupt halt, the tension in the room palpable, even without seeing the scene around me. I cautiously move my hands away, blinking and searching the room, wary of the new threat that has silenced the students. My body tenses, ready to fight or flee, not allowing myself to feel any comfort from the creature’s death when he spoke of an even greater adversary.
A towering dark figure emerges from the threshold, just visible through the hazy fog of ashes sifting through the air. The figure walks forward, growing increasingly visible as most of the ashes begin to settle on the ground.
I blink at the figure coming into focus before me, not believing my eyes. I relax slightly, internally chastising myself as he stalks over, appearing before me like a dark avenging angel. The look on his face would send any sane person running for the hills, yet I stand, feet firmly planted on the floor.
His gaze burns through me, fiery rage evident in those emerald-green eyes. His hair is slightly rumpled as though he had been running his hands through it.
His eyes are locked firmly on me, scanning my body as he closes in. He steps right over the creature’s remains without a second’s hesitation and the ashes float up around him, stirred from where they rest at the rush of air his stomping boots make. His eyes focus on the deep cuts on my forearms, gritting his teeth at the sight of my smeared blood.