Page 56 of Ascension
“Nope. Two can play that game, sweetheart.” I chuckle, hearing her frustrated huff come across the line.
“This is the thanks I get? After working tirelessly as your personal therapist for decades, this is how you repay me?” She mock sniffles, adding to her dramatics.
“That’s on you. You knew the mess you were dealing with when you signed up to be my best friend. Pretty sure there was a clause in the contract and everything.” We both laugh at that, and I dab a tear from my eye.
“I miss you, girl.” My voice is soft once our laughs quiet.
“I miss you too.” Her voice is sincere, a note of sadness tingeing her words.
A knock at the door jolts me from our moment, my head whipping to the door. Fear washes over me for a second before I look at the time. I Internally chastise myself for the moment of panic. If a monster is after me, I guarantee that bitch wouldn’t knock politely on the door.
“I have to go. Adrian is here,” I whisper across the line to Nelle.
“Ooh,” She coos. “Tell him, I say ‘Hi,’ and remember, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“That’s not saying much.” I giggle at her indignant response. Cursing me before I hang up on her dramatic ass. She says I’m the dramatic one? The girl can dish it, but she can’t take it.
“One second,” I call out, not wanting Adrian to think I’m ignoring him. I type out a quick text to Nelle.
Liv: Love you, girl. I’ll call you later!
I go to put my phone into my clutch, pausing when I hear it chirp.
Nelle: Love you too! You better call me tomorrow, not tonight. You need to get some action.
I shake my head, putting away the phone. I mean, she’s not wrong. With all the build-up and anticipation between Adrian and me, I will probably explode if all he does is tease me tonight.
I check the mirror one last time, fixing a few stray hairs, before moving to the door. I suck in a deep breath, pushing all thoughts of this afternoon aside. There will be a time and a place for that, but tonight is not it.