Page 64 of Ascension
The following two weeks crawl by at a snail’s pace, and I’m counting down the days until I get to see Nelle again. The weight of anticipation sits heavy on my chest. A mix of anxiety and fear twist my stomach, not knowing what her reaction to everything will be. Will she be mad that I kept it from her? Or will she be freaked out by this new world—by the powers I now have? Will the closest person I have to a sister turn her back on me?
On top of that, I haven’t seen Kyros since I walked out that day. Unable to apologize for my words, my chest tightens in guilt. Professor Barros is covering our History of the Gods class for now. With Gabris still on leave and Kyros being called away to deal with an urgent matter—that being the only information the male at the check-out desk would give to me when I looked for him at the library the next day.
I’ve stared at my phone every day for the past two weeks, debating if I should just reach out and text him. Yet, indecision wars within me, not wanting to put myself out there if he wants nothing to do with me now.
I sigh in frustration, reminding myself that worrying will not accomplish anything. I peek through slit lids, observing the class around me, hoping no one will call me out for the loud sigh I just let out in the silent classroom.
Of course, today’s not my lucky day. Professor Pallas catches my eyes, having sensed my distraction. He tilts his head in admonishment, and my eyes snap shut, focusing on my breathing.
I push the negative thoughts from my head, my awareness moving to my lungs, expanding and deflating with each breath. I imagine roots growing and curling from my feet, connecting me to the earth.
“Excellent work today, everyone,” Pallas says in a lilting tone, gently bringing my awareness back to the classroom. My eyes blink open at the chiming bell and I draw myself to my feet and collect my bag.
The professor catches my eyes as I exit, a serene smile on his face, noticing the shift in my energy. He inclines his head before walking over to speak with a group of gathered students who wait to ask questions.
Kali and Domenic wait for me a few paces away, along with Zina and Lucas. The others have joined our little group recently—much to the chagrin of Katrina.
We make our way to the dining hall and the others begin chatting. I tune them out, seeing Kali chewing her lip nervously, casting furtive glances in my direction.
Slowing my pace, I catch her eye. She sighs, realizing I’ve noticed her. She slows her pace to match mine, letting the others walk slightly ahead.
“Tell me what’s on your mind?” I ask, despite already knowing what her response would be. She is the only one I told about the plan for tonight since I didn’t want to tell too many people, in case it didn’t work.
“I just—I guess I’m just nervous. I don’t want anything bad to happen. What if the blood ritual doesn’t work and the wards alert the headmaster?” she asks nervously, and my heart jumps at her words.
My thoughts were so focused on Nelle, I hadn’t even let myself think about the potential consequences if Adrian’s blood ritual didn’t work. I take a deep breath, not letting the worries and doubts get to me. I have to trust Adrian. He put so much work into this plan, I have to see it through.
“It will be fine,” I assure her. Faking an air of nonchalance I do not feel in the slightest. “I can’t wait for you to meet her.” I decide changing the subject is the best course of action to stop the negative thoughts from creeping back into my mind.
“Ya, I can’t wait.” Kali looks down before smiling back at me. I quirk an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to continue. If she’s going to make me face reality, I’m going to give her a taste of her own medicine.
She sighs, knowing that she’s been caught. “It’s just she sounds like she’s so much fun. I’m scared I’m going to just fade into the background,” she admits, looking at me sheepishly.
Her words stop me short. My brows furrow at her as she stops a few steps later, realizing that I’m no longer beside her.
“I don’t want you to ever feel like that.” I wrap my arms around her, dragging her into a hug, her soft red curls brushing against my cheek.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see the others stop too, but I gesture them on with a silent look, and Domenic nods in understanding, meeting my gaze, before ushering the others towards the dining hall.
“Please don’t ever compare yourself to anyone. Everyone has their own personality that makes them unique.” I lean back, meeting her eyes. Letting her see the sincerity there.
“I mean, who else would help me throw books at chaos demons.” I giggle, lightening the mood. She smiles back at me, jokingly nudging me away.
“Just be yourself. Even I can tell how brave, smart, and kind you are, and I barely know you,” I tease, elbowing her back. This time her smile meets her eyes, crinkling in amusement. I wrap an arm around her slender shoulders, guiding her down the hall.
“Just be careful.” Her words are barely audible over the din of students converging on the dining hall—voices merging into one sound—echoing off the cavernous ceiling.
“I promise.” I smile back at her, pushing down the twisting feeling in my gut. We hold back a moment, letting the others filter through the large doors, the sheer number of students entering at once causing a bottleneck at the entrance.
“There you are.” A familiar voice says in the distance, causing a goofy grin to slide across my face. Relief washes over me when my gaze catches on his. I haven’t seen him since he had both assignments in the mortal realm and was gathering the last items needed for today. My mind drifts back to that morning when we woke up after our date night. That was one hell of a wake-up call if I do say so myself. I could definitely get used to being woken up every morning with Adrian’s face between my thighs.
Kali laughs at my expression—which I decide to let slide—and steps out of my arm, giving Adrian space to wrap me in a warm embrace. A smug grin is on his lips as his arms band around me, crushing me to his chest.
Pulling back, he places a tender, chaste kiss on my lips before wrapping an arm back around me. He turns us to face Kali. Only then do I see the stern look she’s directing at him. I almost burst out laughing out of pure surprise, barely keeping my snort of laughter constrained. I look up at Adrian to see his shocked expression.
“You make sure you take care of her, and promise you won’t get her into any trouble.” Kali crosses her arms, waiting for his response. Adrian blinks in stunned silence, eyes glancing from her to me, and back again.
To my surprise, his face sobers, with no trace of his usual teasing grin as he nods. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to her.” His words sound like a vow, and he inclines his head to her.