Page 73 of Ascension
“I’ll take her back, then we’ll figure out what we’re going to do.”I project to Kyros, motioning for him to stay back.
“But she’s my—”
“I know, man, but she can’t hear that right now. We’ll figure it out.”I cut him off, reassuring him. We weren’t letting go of her, not ever.
He freezes in shock, not expecting those words to enter his mind. The little color that remains drains from his face. His gaze darts back and forth between the two of us. Despite the man’s intellect he’s definitely slow at piecing the clues together. The information is just sinking in now.
“That’s impossible.”His voice sounds in my mind, the disbelieving tone evident through the projection.
“No it’s not, you know it’s happened before.”I look at him pointedly, seeing his face lighten as the jumbled thoughts begin to right themselves. The thought of research brightening his mood slightly.
I sigh inwardly, hating that I need to be the voice of reason in this moment. I would love to freak out—zone out and not deal with anything. Whisk Liv back upstairs to finish what we started on the staircase.
I curse inwardly wishing I hadn’t been so impatient. That I had taken her upstairs, to enjoy her thoroughly. At least then, I wouldn’t have had to deal with this until tomorrow morning with a clear head. The alcohol still mildly fogs my senses.
I would love nothing more than to have this conversation out loud so that my mate—my equal—orour mateI guess—could understand the full weight of this situation.
I open my mouth to do so when the weight of fear presses down on me. What if she runs away? My brain shouts out, forcing me into silence. The look on her face in the conjured room floating to the surface of my memories. The panic in her eyes as she grappled with the doorknob, unaware that the door itself was only for show. A product of my illusions.
Her life has changed so quickly in a matter of weeks. Her world completely turned on its axis. Despite my feelings for her, I would be lying if I said I don’t see the hesitancy in her gaze whenever she thinks we’re moving too quickly. How her body momentarily stiffens in fear.
I shake the thoughts from my head, deciding this is not the time to tell her, despite the enormity of the situation on our hands. I can do this for her, I can be the strong one. As long as she stays by my side, I can carry this for both of us. I can keep a level head with my brother, and push the feeling twisting my stomach at the thought of her being with another man aside, for now.
I’m pulled from my thoughts at the sound of the lock clicking open. My gaze darts there to see Liv swinging the door towards her. The exterior lights shine through the opening to illuminate a towering figure on the other side. I rush to the door, worry tightening my chest, Kyros just a step behind me when I pause, hearing the figure’s booming voice.
“Oh, baby girl, what a pleasant surprise.” Mateo steps forward, seeing him clearly now in the pale orb light. His eyes hungrily take Liv in. Stepping forward to wrap an arm around her. Not even noticing Kyros and I standing off to the side.
“I’m not your anything,” she growls back, causing his broad chest to vibrate with laughter. Her eyes narrow on him, lip curling in a scowl. Yet, I notice she doesn’t back away. Staying pressed against his chest, her breaths coming in quickly. I glance at Kyros, seeing his same confused, assessing stare.
Mateo’s eyes move to her hair, rumpled slightly from our frantic fuck against the wall. His brows furrow in confusion before his gaze moves to us—me specifically. Eyeing my creased shirt and jacket.
“Did you fuck my mate?”he growls in my head, and I feel the ferocity of his words all the way over here.
I stumble back a step, the projected words echoing around in my mind, threatening to send me over the edge. Mate. She’s Mateo’s mate too?
I grit my teeth in frustration, the anger bubbling up in my chest at his implied ownership over my mate. Kyros, I could handle but Mateo—if the possessive asshole could have it his way we would never see her again. Our hot headed, battle hungry brother, always searching for a fight. I pull in a deep breath to calm myself, my nostrils flaring. Still unable to unclench my jaw.
“She’s not just yours,”Kyros interjects. Mateo’s words apparently projected to both of us. His eyes dart back and forth between the two of us. Liv notices his stare—turning back—remembering exactly why she chose to flee.
“I need to go,” she mutters, ducking out under Mateo’s arm. He frowns after her before looking back at the two of us. He reaches a hand over her head, shutting the door just an inch from her nose. She stumbles back, and I move to catch her. My hands are mere inches away before she rights herself. Lifting her gaze to aim her glare at Mateo.
My lips curl down, wanting to be the one to catch her. To have her wrapped in my arms. To help ease the pain and frustration digging their claws into me.
“Oh no, you don’t, baby girl, remember our compromise? I can go anywhere I want, and I choose to go with you.”
“Uh—no, the ‘compromise’ was that you would come to myclasseswhen you felt like it andtrynot to throw daggers,” she corrects, adding finger quotes around the word compromise. Not an ounce of fear in her gaze as she scowls defiantly back at him, crossing her arms over her chest.
She’s the only person I’ve heard speak to Mateo that way and live to tell the tale. Not only that, but I can see the slight hint of amusement in his eyes. He hides it so well, I’m sure she can’t even pick up on it.
“It’s okay, angel, you choose. I can either take you back to your room, or we can get this all figured out. I promise it’s okay.”
I say the last part in a whisper, needing her to know I’m not mad at her. My breath catches in my throat, hope bubbling up in my chest that she might just stay. She might push her fears aside and face this head on, with me at her side.
“I just want to get out of here, Adrian.” She winces in apology, seeing my chest deflate at her words. Her gaze darts to Kyros for a moment before settling back on me. I nod in understanding, not wanting to take my annoyance out on her.
“What the hell happened between you two.”I project to Mateo and Kyros.Letting them take the full brunt of my sour mood. My words are directed towards Kyros.
“It was a big misunderstanding—”