Page 77 of Ascension
I cock my eyebrow in question, not wanting to lower the barrier just for him to clock me in the face. He scowls back at me before lifting his hands in a placating gesture. Satisfied, I lower it and swing the door open before he has the chance to change his mind.
I start off in the direction of the dining hall, hearing Maximus’ echoing footsteps sounding behind me. My mind drifts back to earlier in the night. Had it really only been mere hours since we were dancing and drinking with her friends here? Before my life—all of our lives really—were turned on their head.
The party is still in full swing. I breathe a sigh of relief, spotting no damage or injury from the shadow demons.
Groups litter the dance floor, dancing to the thrumming beat. Couples grind on each other, fueled by alcohol and lust. I waste no time, walking over to the spot where we left the group and finding them still there.
Kali spots me first, moving away from the blonde she was just giggling with to pull Nelle off Domenic. Kali grips her shoulder, pointing her in my direction. Her face immediately changes from the glare she was shooting at Kali. Nelle’s face pales, her mouth dropping open in shock. Fuck, they must think—
The two girls rush over to me, the rest of the group following behind a moment later.
“Where’s Liv?” Nelle demands.
At the same time, Kali asks, “Is she okay?”
“She’s fine,” I assure them. “We need to talk—but not here.” I glance behind me to gesture out to the hall. I scowl, noticing that Maximus didn’t bother to follow me in here. Obviously, sensing there was no danger. I lead them out to the hall where Max is propped up against the wall, waiting for my return.
I huff out a breath of annoyance but usher the others over to him. Like it or not, he would need to be part of this.
“What happened to his face?” Nelle cringes, taking a step back from Maximus, and he glowers at her, wiping his nose again. The small amount of blood there flakes off, leaving a subtle stain of red on his skin.
I have to suppress the laughter that bubbles up, glad that Nelle has someone else to pick on. Hmm, maybe this sharing a mate thing won’t be half bad if it can keep Liv’s friends off my back.
That thought sobers me, and I remember why we’re here.
“Liv’s okay—” I start there, not wanting to alarm them “—but there was an attack tonight.”
Their voices chime in all at once, the chatter incomprehensible. I let out an exasperated breath, tonight’s events weighing heavily upon me.
Maximus pulls himself from the wall, casting a shadow across my vision. His massive form towers over the group and their voices fade as they look up at his imposing figure.
“We’re here to take the one named Nelle back home,” he grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’m not going anywhere until I see Liv,” Nelle states stubbornly, stepping forward, mirroring Max’s stance.
His brows inch lower, glowering at her, his patience already wearing thin. I step between the two of them, not wanting to draw too much attention to us as a few students leave the hall. Thankfully, they seem too intoxicated to pay us much mind.
“She’s staying with us. She’s protected and safe,” I interject, seeing her eyes locked on Max. Her mouth pops open with a scathing remark on her tongue.
“We need to get you out of here. That’s what she’s most concerned with.”
“I’m calling her the moment I get back home and if something isn’t okay—I don’t exactly know how yet—but I swear I will find a way to get back here and kick your ass,” she grinds out, waiting for my nod of acceptance, before she finally concedes. She embraces the others one at a time, keeping her arms wrapped around Domenic the longest.
I look away, not needing to see their goodbye. Reluctantly, the two finally part. I purse my lips at that, knowing Nelle will label me as a cockblock for this.
“I’ll take her home, and I’ll meet you back at the manor.”I project to Maximus, who subtly nods in response.
I lead Nelle towards the entrance, and she reluctantly follows behind, turning every few steps to wave at Domenic.
Usually, I would find it entertaining, but right now—right now I need to crash. To bury my head in my pillows and let tonight’s events sink in.
I blink, almost at the entryway now. There’s something in the corner shrouded in darkness. A barely distinguishable outline of a figure hovers there. Squinting my eyes, I attempt to bring it into focus. I run over the spot again, but there’s nothing there.
I shake off the ominous feeling—convincing myself I just imagined it—before I swing the doors open and take Nelle outside past the wards.
I silently reach out to clasp her hand, which she extends hesitantly. She squeezes her eyes shut tightly in anticipation of dissipating.
We materialize a moment later in her dorm room. I turn to leave but pause when Nelle steps forward. Her brows are creased with worry, her hands anxiously playing with the green velvet of her skirt.