Page 79 of Ascension
“You can’t be serious.” Kali’s voice raises an octave, eyes wide in shock. “We could barely believe it when Adrian showed up to take Nelle back. Now you’re saying there wasn’t just one demon, but a swarm of them this time.”
Domenic just stares on, his hands clutching the desk, hanging onto my every word. I meet their eyes with a grave expression and nod in confirmation.
We keep our voices low, not wanting the rest of the class to overhear. Since it now seems I’m on permanent house arrest, this is the only chance I’ve had to speak with them.
The four overprotective gods—now acting as my jailers—didn’t let me step foot out of the house all weekend. Even going so far as to have someone bring all my meals to my room. Or should I say new room? They set me up in one of the spare quarters and had all of my belongings brought over the next day. The logical part of me knows they’re doing this for my safety. Yet, my independent streak craves to rebel from the chaffing restrictions.
Despite living in the same house as the four of them, I haven’t seen them all weekend—partly of my own doing.
I didn’t want to face the four of them after the information I uncovered that night. They’re all brothers, and I feel drawn to all four of them. When I finally worked up enough courage to search one of them out, the house was empty. Save for a few staff, I hadn’t found any of the brothers.
“It’s probably for the best,” I sigh wearily, leaning back in my seat. “I need to try to stay away as much as possible. If I’d still been at the bar night, who knows how many people could’ve been hurt.”
Kali’s shoulders slump and she leans back in her seat, mirroring my stress and annoyance. “It shouldn’t be for too long, right? I mean, they’re all looking for the demons’ master now. It shouldn’t take four powerful gods more than a week to catch someone. No matter how powerful they may be.” She smiles reassuringly, patting me on the shoulder.
“Oh, look, here comes one of my jailers now,” I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. Kyros strides through the classroom door, closing it behind him. I sulk further into my chair, fixing him with an indignant stare, that is, until he turns to meet my gaze. My cheeks redden at the memory his gaze unfurls within me.
My orgasm crashes over me, my heart beating erratically. Adrian is still thrusting into me, my core gripping around him as I moan my release. My eyelids peel open to Kyros standing before me, eyes wide in shock for a moment, before a look of pain and betrayal crosses over his face. Yet behind that initial reaction, I see the desire and lust burning there.
I hesitate a moment, imagining what it would be like to have both of them. Have him follow us upstairs, stripping off that button-down shirt. Taking me from behind while I let Adrian fuck my mouth. I only allow my imagination to run wild for a moment before I frantically tap Adrian’s shoulder, halting his movements.
Now I definitely fucked it up with both of them. All four of them? Not that I really had the other two brothers. I frown at that thought, bringing me out of my lust filled daydream, and breaking my gaze with Kyros.
I look back down at my desk. Idly moving papers around in a desperate attempt to think about something—anything but the four gods keeping me confined and under twenty-four-hour surveillance. Four gods that neglected to tell me they were brothers. I huff out a breath of annoyance.
Adrian hadn’t even bothered to tell me the real reason that he knew about the blood ritual. Never bothered to tell me he knew it would work since he was a bonded brother to three other gods. All of which I have some sort of connection to, ranging from attraction to actual emotions.
“Let’s get started,” Kyros announces, the loud thump of his books hitting the desk silencing the students. “Today we’ll be discussing how the ethereal realm is governed.” He walks over to the board, jotting down a few notes.
“Isn’t the realm ruled by the five major gods?” Katrina calls out her hand still raised, yet not caring to wait until called upon.
I see the huff of annoyance he expels, despite his attempt to cover it up with a polite smile. With his attention on her, she preens, shoulders moving back to stick her chest out as far as possible.
“Yes, that is true.”
Katrina pumps a fist in the air as though she won some sort of contest for blurting a piece of information any of us could’ve spurted.
“However, there is more to it than that. Hence the reason for today’s lesson. Please refrain from speaking out of turn in the future, Ms—?” Kyros asks in an indifferent tone.
She jerks, taken aback by his comment, obviously not used to being called out like that often. Yet, I see the wheels in her head turning, with a calculating gleam in her eyes. “You can just call me Katrina, God of Healing,” she purrs, batting her lashes. She puts her arms around her middle, pushing her chest out even further.
He simply nods, not bothering to deign a response to her desperate attempts to flirt with him. I smother a laugh, having to cup my hand over my mouth to stop it from bubbling out. Her head whips around to find me, her eyes narrowing. As though it’s my fault, he isn’t interested in her.
“The five major gods are the rulers of the ethereal realm, with Osias deemed their leader. However, they aren’t able to make whatever decision they please.” He pauses to write a word on the board and steps aside. The word ‘COUNCIL’ is written there. “Like most human societies, the leaders answer to a council. They meet, discuss, and approve any decisions made by the majors. There are, of course, some exceptions,” he concedes, pacing as he continues.
“For the most part, the council has the power to make changes of their own to any entity the majors have granted to them. Such as this academy.” My eyes widen with this piece of information. I assumed that Osias was in charge of everything, including this college, yet—
Kyros’ eyes lock on mine as though trying to communicate something to me, or make sure I’m listening to his following words. “The majors granted the council these powers, deeming places like this academy to be below them. Now, despite the majors’ objections, some changes will be made at the council’s behest—”
A loud crackling filters through the room, cutting off his words. I cover my ears to ward off the sound that’s growing in intensity. A familiar figure flickering into view at the front of the room. Kyros’ solemn gaze meets mine, confirming my suspicion. Headmaster Mavros comes into focus through the static, pulling the black hood back from his face.
“Students.” He pauses, letting his resounding voice echo ominously through the classroom. “I regret to inform you, there was another attack on our school last week.”
Low murmurs spread like wildfire through the class. The crackling starts once more, sending the room into silence. My lips purse at his words, and I eye the projection suspiciously. He brushed off the previous attack, calling it a ‘mere incident’ and promising it had been taken care of, and now admits it was more. I can’t help but think his new classification only serves to further whatever narrative he’s trying to push now.
“After great consideration, I have concluded that the risk is too great to continue on with classes as scheduled.” My chest tightens at his words, lips pursing, as I attempt to hold back my outrage. First, he lied, telling everyone the threat was dealt with when it very clearly wasn’t. Now it’s too dangerous to continue classes?
“Our original semester was to span over three months. However, due to recent events, we’ll be shortening the semester and classes will end this week. Exams will be held on Friday, with the Ascension ceremony taking place the following day.” A mix of excited shouts and outraged gasps fill the room. A range of emotions play out around me. My own mind is cluttered with shock and suspicion at this sudden change.