Page 88 of Ascension
“You are a descendant of the god of compassion, Carissa,” he announces, raising her arm. Around the auditorium, students begin clapping. Her eyes pop open, looking down at her hands in wonder, pure joy written clearly across her face. Kyros ushers her to the other side of the stage to descend the stairs, and Mavros calls the next student. The ceremony continues in the same fashion, my attention glued to each student and the revelation of their godly parent.
“Kaliope Jones,” Mavros calls out. She looks over to me before finding Stacia’s eyes across the room. Katrina, Stacia, and Veronica had already been called to the front. Veronica is a descendant of the god of fire, the other two well—my eyes move from Stacia to Katrina, observing their similar features, blonde hair almost the exact same shade, the same round brown eyes. Yes, the tome revealed Stacia and Katrina are in fact sisters, both descending from one of the majors, Orrin, the God of Wisdom. The news was much to Katrina’s delight, and Kali’s dismay. The familial bond between the two sisters puts a wedge even further between Stacia and her.
I give her hand a comforting squeeze. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself, before moving to the stage. She follows the same steps as the others, the glow spreading over her body and the pages flipping before her.
Mavros lifts the book, announcing, “You are the descendant of the god of fertility, Agatha.” He inclines his head to her, something he hasn’t done to any other students. My gaze flashes to Kyros, and I gauge his reaction to the strange gesture. I blink in surprise when I see him offer the same to Kali, inclining his head, before escorting her to the opposite side of the stage. The others make their way up to the stage, their names being called shortly after. Zina, a descendant of the god of the sea, Domenic, a descendant of the god of animals, and Lucas from the god of thunder.
My chest tightens with each name called, every student’s power unlocked, bringing me closer. I fidget with my dress, needing to do something to expel the nervous energy. I jolt in surprise as the first R last name is called. Kali gives me a reassuring glance that does nothing to calm my frayed nerves.
“Olivia Rothchild,” I hear my name tumble from the headmaster’s mouth. The words sound like a vicious hiss leaving his lips. I jerk in surprise, not even realizing the male student had already undergone his ceremony.
I raise to my feet, my heels wobbling beneath me. I take a deep breath before continuing forward, not allowing this bastard to see my fear. Collecting the front of my dress, I climb the stairs, exuding a false confidence through my sure strides.
Kyros helps me across the stage, keeping a wide berth from the headmaster. I glance in his direction, seeing keen dark intrigue in his light brown eyes. The only part of him visible now. I blink in surprise, only to find his face shrouded in darkness once more.
Kyros leads me to the tome, and I find myself grateful for his warm hand wrapped around mine. Lending me his strength. Before the dais, I glimpse the tome up close, the intricate gold lettering is breathtaking, as though it’s calling to me in some instinctive way.
I raise my gaze, surveying the crowd. Finding Adrian, Mateo, and Maximus standing at the back, all three of their gazes glued to me. I quickly avert my eyes, not wanting to read the emotions playing there.
I lay my fingers on the tome, the cool metallic feel of the gold seeping into my bones. The sensation is more soothing than jarring. I feel my eyes close on their own accord, as though instinct is driving my actions.
I take deep, even breaths, grounding myself. I feel Kyros’ hand slip to my wrist, unclasping the bracelet, and Mavros begins chanting immediately. I sense the warm glow washing over my skin, sinking into my bones.
The sensation reaches the center of my chest, unlocking a part of myself I hadn’t even known existed. I sigh a breath of relief, feeling whole for the first time in my life. Finally, feeling complete.
My power rushes inside me, filling my veins with strength. My back straightens, and my chest lifts. The magic beckons me like a long last friend. How had I gone through the first twenty years of my life without this vital piece of my soul? Unable to access such a crucial, essential part of my being. My essence, my power, reforms my body, shaping it into what it was always meant to be. What I was always meant to be.
I hear voices murmuring throughout the crowd, unable to make out the words they mutter. My eyes snap open the moment Mavros finishes chanting. They widen as I look down at my hand, still splayed on the book. Unlike the others, the warm glow does not dissipate. It clings to my skin, radiating out from me. Casting a light over the figure next to me. I turn to see Kyros there, hand still clasping mine. His expressions mirror my own, eyes wide in awe. A rattling sounds in front of me. Whipping my head around, I see the tome shaking uncontrollably before the pages flip wildly.
A beam of light shoots from the book, hitting me straight in the chest—the power unfurling within me. Kyros pulls me toward him, attempting to drag me from the light. Yet, the beam only follows, sticking to me as even more facets of my power are unlocked. I feel the warm glow of the magic filtering through my back. A pressure building there.
Suddenly, the pressure breaks, replaced by a weight and gust of air. Shouts sound around the auditorium as I attempt to balance the new weight pulling on my back. I stretch my muscles and feel my arm knock against something, pushing it over. No, not my arm. I look to the side and see Kyros picking himself up from the ground. My brows furrow in confusion before looking over my shoulder for what caused him to fall.
That’s when I see the golden feathered wings protruding from my back. They stretch out behind me, taking up a quarter of the stage. The massive new appendages glint in the orb’s light. I feel a tug on my arm, pulling me to the side of the stage. Drawing my attention from the shock of my new wings. What in the hell is going on? No one else got wings. My chest tightens, as shock grips me. My attention locks on to Kyros who is pulling my stumbling form after him.
“We have to go now.” Kyros rushes out, just loud enough for me to hear over the growing shouts of the crowd. The panic is evident in his tone.
I push aside my own panic and shock, focusing on following his footsteps down the stairs. That is until the stairs crumble from beneath him. He pulls his hand from my grip, my weight rocking forward before my forehead collides with an invisible barrier. I stumble backward, my hand flying to cradle my aching head. Throbbing from the sudden impact.
My hand drops to my side, pausing at the sound of an ominous, deep, cackling laugh behind me. My whole body goes cold, and I tremble. My eyes dart around, panic flooding me. I distantly take in the sight of my four gods frantically pounding at the barrier. Kyros chanting with his hand against the surface.
I whip my head around at the sound of approaching footsteps. The noise echoing off the wooden floor, ticking like a clock, counting the seconds until my impending demise.
“I knew it would be you. I’ve waited twenty years for this moment,” he says with a deep throaty laugh, pulling the dark hood back from his face. “There’s no escaping now.”