Page 101 of Deception
The arena looks drastically different from the first trial, the lack of students lining the pathways before us is jarring compared to how I remember it. The silence closes in around me, only heightening my feeling of unease. My stomach twists as I observe the towering cement walls erected before us, and glimpse my father standing before a grand wooden door, seemingly the only entrance to the makeshift room.
The plans we found also included a blueprint for the newly constructed enclosure. After scouring the plans and the building itself, we realized there are enchantments placed on each door. The only way for the next one to open is if you pass or fail a challenge. Each student is assigned a time for entrance, and they are the only ones allowed in the enclosure. A Crystal of Kleo was placed in each section to gear the tasks towards the individual student’s powers.
I approach my father warily, unsure how to act around him since he revealed the secret he had been clinging to last week, the one I can’t allow to filter through my thoughts. On the one hand, knowing the information and the risks that I will face if anyone found out, I understand why he kept it barricaded in his mind. A chill of fear slithers its way up my spine, but I quickly redirect my thoughts, nervously glancing around. Even now, I almost slipped up. I almost let the words slip through my mind.
Although I understand his reasoning for it, it doesn’t make up for the fact that he’s kept this from me for so long, this entire world, the truth about my powers. I know he only did it to keep me safe, but it doesn’t mean I’m over the hurt just yet. If I knew, I may have been able to navigate this world easier and may have been able to hide the truth from Titus.
But I’ll tell my guys after the trial, after I’m completely free from the council’s possible control. As the others keep reminding me, although they’ve been detained, they’re still awaiting their trial, and knowing Helene, she’s most likely found some way to suppress their treachery. They still remain a threat, even despite the added security.
I wish, not for the first time, that we could just slap the power-blocking bracelets on them to ensure they can’t be a threat, but I understand why we can’t. Although it would make our lives a hell of a lot easier, they do still have rights, and we have to abide by the laws.
“We’ll all be here in case anything happens. Just focus on the tasks, and you’ll be out of there in no time,” my father says, but I can hear the concern tingeing his tone, can see the slight crease between his brows. He steps forward to warm me into a tight embrace. The hug is awkward and stiff. Every time I see him, my mind wants to run over the secret he only just revealed. I pull back and clear my throat, my gaze pulling back to the entrance as though some magnetic force is drawing me there. My stomach twisting as I stare at the weathered wooden door now erected there.
“Olivia Rothchild, please make your way to the entrance,” a disjointed voice calls over the loudspeaker.
“I guess that’s my cue.” I huff out a breath of feigned amusement as I turn back to them, but it just sounds weak. I close my eyes and steel myself for whatever I may face.
“You’ll do great,” Kyros reassures me, reminding me of his projected words before we left the mansion. I nod in thanks, my gaze roving over each one of them in turn, taking in every detail as though it may be the last time. Shaking my head, I try to clear the negative thoughts. We’re able to communicate mind to mind now. I can reach out to them and let them know if there’s anything strange, or if I need help.
I let that thought bolster my confidence as I turn away, taking the few short steps towards the ancient wooden door. As I approach, the small click of the lock unlatching rings out through the otherwise silent arena.
“I’ll see you soon.”I project to my mates, reassuring myself that the link still exists, that I’m still able to contact them. My hand pushes at the door, and there’s a slight tremor to my movements as I work to push down the nervous energy thrumming from me. Their words of encouragement sound through my mind, giving me the strength to step inside. The heavy door creaks as it closes behind me, sealing with a click that echoes through my mind.
My breath catches in my throat as I’m thrown into darkness, and I latch onto the realization that I’m alone now, freezing my body in place. My heart picks up its pace in a steady staccato against my ribs.
“Liv?”Kyros’ voice sounds in my head just as an orb of light flickers on in the distance, casting a warm glow over the far wall.“Are you alright?”
“Yes … I’m fine,”I lie, clasping a hand over my chest and willing my heart to return to a normal pace. I’m grateful again for the connection we share. I sigh a breath of relief, the sound echoing off the cement walls of the crudely constructed room. They’ve put little effort into making the inside any nicer than the outside with the structure’s rushed construction. Probably taking extra satisfaction in the fact that the cool, damp room adds to the feeling of unease that swept over me as soon as I entered.
I take a cautious step forward, scanning the room, searching for any sign of a threat or any hint as to what to do to get the hell out of this place. On the far wall, there’s an array of stones lined up in three familiar rows, in the configuration of the letters on a keyboard.
I take a few steps forward, switching between watching the surrounding room and watching the floor beneath me, not trusting the council not to have laid some sort of trap.
I reach the wall, but my momentary relief is short-lived since as soon as I take that final step, a glowing ring forms around me. Beams of light shine up from the floor, and I shield my eyes, the sudden light obscuring my vision in the mostly dark room. Just great, I knew those assholes would do something with the floor, but at least it doesn’t seem to be doing anything to me … just yet.
I don’t even bother attempting to move out of the circle. Ireallydon’t want to find out what would happen if I did. A static sound echoes throughout the room, and I jolt, the jarring noise bouncing off the stone walls.
“For your first task, you will receive three questions. Please type them on the stones before you. But beware, you will only have thirty seconds to answer.” My stomach sinks as the disjointed voice sounds around the small room, the robotic tone seeming to come from everywhere all at once.
I flex my fingers before me and attempt to dry the clammy sweat clinging to them. My focus narrows in on the stones before me, knowing I only have mere seconds to not only figure out the response but to type it on these stones. They gleam in the orb light, betraying their damp surface.
“Don’t let this demon touch you, or you’ll be taken into the between. Their form wavers but can still be seen. Shrouded in darkness is where they’ll be, their desecrated faces will make you scream. What am I?”
My mind instantly flashes to the battle with Titus, the masses of dark, shadowy figures surrounding us, my blade sinking into their desecrated flesh.
My hand darts out, unsure exactly how much time I have left, and press the cool stones before me. I will my fingers to remain strong and sure, not wanting to fail just because my hand slipped off the wet rock.
S-H-A-D—just as I move to push down the O, the stones shift, rearranging themselves in a flurry movement. Of course, they do. Why wouldn’t I expect the stones to fucking move?
As soon as they settle, I hurriedly press O-W, completing the word just as a buzzer sounds around the room.
“That is correct. Next question,” the disjointed voice says without missing a beat, not even giving me time to stave off the shock of the abrupt sound piercing my eardrums. “Do not cross this god or punishment you will receive. He holds the rank of dark major. His power must not be misconceived. Who am I?”
My heart drops, but I hurriedly push the stones spelling out T-I-T-U-S. The letters move right after I push the last one, and I pull my hand back just in time to not hit another stone, and it moves past my still outstretched fingers. I grit my teeth and shake off the nervous energy rushing through my veins. I’ve got to keep my mind focused on the last question.
“That is correct. Your final question, this demon may be red, but his power will bring dread. Be careful not to drown, or you’ll be dead before you can make a sound. What am I?”
The cool chill of fear shoots up my spine at those words, at all three questions and their connection to one another. But there’s no time to think about that. My hands dart to type I-G-N-I-S before the stones can shift once more.