Page 20 of Deception
“We’ll have to hope that they keep the trials the same this year. Of course, they may attempt to change them to make it more difficult for Olivia.” Kyros grimaces, rising from the couch to move over to me. My father nods, considering for a moment.
“Yes, we’ll have to do some more investigating. I wouldn’t put it past those sneaky bastards to change something on us.”
“Can someone just tell me what the trials are?” I huff on an exasperated sigh. Kyros rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, giving me an apologetic look.
“The first trial is centered on your combat training. You will face off against multiple opponents and have to win at least two out of three rounds to pass to the second.”
“We’ll need to start our training again if you want to pass, princess,” Maximus grumbles behind me. I turn on my heel, ready to go off on him when I see his lips slightly upturned, and I lose the stinging retort poised on the tip of my tongue. Instead, I merely sneer back at him before refocusing my attention on Kyros.
“I must admit your skills are more advanced than I would expect from a first-year, but the other students will have years of training compared to your month.” Kyros nods at Maximus, and I fight back the urge to scowl at them both. I nod and take a deep breath. If I want to get through these trials, I will need to put aside my ego and accept their help.
“The second trial is to test your powers. I’ll look into it and see what other information I can find. I’m not sure how they’ll do this without the Tome of Agathos this year,” Kyros says thoughtfully.
I swallow dryly at the thought. I won’t need to use my powers for combat, but I will need to delve back into that sea of energy for the second trial.
“Phillip, gather those who we trust and inform them of this development. We’ll need all the strongest gods in our corner if we hope to give Olivia the best shot,” my father declares. Phil jolts at his words, having zoned out, listening to the others take charge. He blinks rapidly, as though his mind is attempting to catch up with the words he’s been listening to so intently.
“Yes, sir.” He jumps at my father’s pointed look and rushes towards the door.
“Stay safe, Olivia,” he says with a backward glance. I raise my hand, about to give him a small wave before Maximus moves into my eyeline, a growl emanating from his chest. Phil jolts in shock at the sudden threatening gesture. He rushes out the door—my father’s wards casting an opening for Phil to rush through before sealing. He’s gone in an instant, not even taking the time to shut the door behind him in his haste.
Mateo shoots Maximus a disparaging look before moving to close the door himself. When he turns back around, though, I don’t miss the nod of approval he subtly gives Maximus. I shake my head in exasperation. Those two are going to get on my last nerve. I push down the small part of me that beams with pride over their protective natures.
“Who exactly are you informing about Liv?” Mateo asks suspiciously, his eyes narrowing on my father.
“It’s none of your concern, you’ll find out soon enough.” He waves Mateo off.
“It is my concern. It concerns my mate and her safety,” he growls, stepping behind me. I fight the urge to lean back against him at his proclamation. His body heat seeps into my skin with his proximity, making it very hard to do so. I blink in surprise, attempting to reconcile my thoughts and feelings compared to this morning. My heart is more open now than it has ever been after seeing the pain I caused them, and after realizing the full extent of my feelings towards them.
I scan the room at that thought, seeing Adrian partway up the stairs. No one else notices his quiet footsteps as he ascends them. I wince at that, wishing I could go after him right now.
“The third trial,” Kyros raises his voice, cutting off the inane bickering of the others. The silent pause jolts me from my thoughts. I hadn’t even noticed the ensuing arguing that was going on around me.
“The third trial is a culmination of all of your skills and knowledge. The format changes year to year, so I expect the council won’t announce the details until later on in the process,” Kyros explains. I chew my lip, running the recent information over in my mind. A weight settles in my stomach, the uncertainty ratcheting my nerves up. We have a general idea of what the trials will comprise. However, anything could change at the council’s will. I look around the room at the uneasy expressions on everyone’s faces.
“What’s the big deal with these trials? I mean, sure, I would rather not have to sit through classes every day, but can’t I just retake them if I fail?” I question, knowing there must be some other reason for their downcast expressions.
“No, Olivia,” my father says, and I can already see by the look on his face that he’s not about to deliver good news. “The trials need to be completed successfully on your first try, otherwise, they will bind your powers. And once you start them, you must complete them or the wards around the school’s property will not let you leave.”
“I doubt they would grant you leniency. Since you’re connected to all of us, they see you as a threat to their power.” Kyros continues, his lips pursing.
“What do you mean?” My eyebrows knit together in confusion. Why would anyone view me as a threat? I haven’t even learned how to use most of my powers, let alone feel comfortable doing so.
“By their initial show of force, the council originally meant to intimidate you, hoping they could use your power to further their own means. But, since we showed up, they knew they wouldn’t be able to influence you. So, they would rather have your power contained than take the chance that you may someday outrank them,” my father clarifies, his chest puffing out with pride.
I blink at his words, the concept seeming so bizarre to my muddled mind. Outrank them. Surely that couldn’t be it? I think back to the golden wings that glinted in the sunlight, now sitting just beneath my skin. The feeling of freedom that washed over me with their presence. The depth of the power that lies within me, ready to be molded into—I jerk out of my thoughts. A cold shiver travels down my spine at the memory of my energy, which I don’t dare touch.
“So we’re all decided then?” Mateo asks. I blink away the haze that settled over my mind, tuning back into the conversation.
“Agreed,” my father says tersely. “Olivia will stay with you four. You will watch after her and conduct her training until I return. I need to help Phillip track down our allies.”
“Walk me out, Olivia.” My father’s statement is more of a command than a question. I move to follow him, but a muscular arm wraps around my waist and holds me in place.
“Not a chance,” Mateo growls behind me. He doesn’t press me against him as Maximus had, keeping a maddening amount of space between our bodies.
I hesitate before pushing out of his grip, my heart dropping when his arm falls from my waist. I huff out an exasperated breath, giving him a pointed look before meeting my father at the door. Unsure if I can take another moment of their bickering. Following him outside, I leave the door open to quell their fears.
“As much as I don’t like this situation, I know they’ll keep you safe,” he admits begrudgingly. “I’ll be back in a few days, we can talk then.” He gives me a pointed glance, reminding me of our agreement earlier.
“Stay safe, Olivia.” He clears his throat, shuffling awkwardly, before his arms wrap around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. I tense at the touch. The relief that washed over me at seeing him earlier overshadowed the strangeness of hugging my father. Emotions and contact aren’t things he usually does well.
I push those thoughts aside, taking comfort in the fact that he’s at least trying. I wrap my arms around him, giving him a tight squeeze, before disentangling.
He pulls away, and I can see indecision warring in his eyes as he debates whether or not to leave me here. I give him a small reassuring smile and back towards the house. Silently letting him know I will be alright.
He nods in defeat before pulling his power around him and dissipating, leaving nothing but the cool night air in his wake.
Was this really only one day? I blink, trying to organize my disjointed thoughts, and walk back to the manor. The need to collapse head first into my nice fluffy bed is the only thought on my mind right now. Had I really been sipping on a margarita this morning? Now I face three trials I’m not prepared for and possibly losing my newfound powers. Life is such a cruel bitch sometimes.